• Chapter 30 •

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Luke and I were laying on his bed at the hotel watching a movie. Ashton, Michael and Calum decided to go party.  Their families had left a few days ago so they were back to partying. Luke insisted on staying at the hotel with me because I wasn't feeling well so here we are, cuddling and watching a movie together.

Since they had kidnapped me, it really felt like that day at the beach never happened.

"Alex can I ask you something?" Luke said rather nervous.

"Ofcourse" I looked up at him and gave him a small smile

"If you are like feeling better tomorrow, would you like to go out with me?"

"Like a date?"

"Yea maybe, or just like friends. If you don't want to I get it, you can just tell me." He quickly said after my question. It was so cute to see him nervous for once.


"I get that, I didn't expected you to say yes, we can -"

"Luke" I interrupted him as it was clear he didn't really listen to my answer

"Yes?" He looked straight back at me with a small smile

"I'd love to go on a date with you." I said giving him a big smile.

"Wait really?"

"Ofcourse Luke"

He got a huge smile on his face now and pulled me even closer to hug me thightly. Making it almost impossible for me to breath.

"I promise it will be fun!" He said when he finally let go of me

"You do need to know that I've got a contract I can't break. You have to make sure your boss knows and if you want to go out in public you need to ask them. Because in my contract it says that I can't go out in public with one of you."

"I promise I'll talk to them and make sure we can go out" he said with still a big smile on his face.

"Have fun doing that" I smiled at him before laying my head back on his chest.

Half an hour later Luke fell asleep, before the end of the movie.

I stopped the movie and turned off the tv. But when I tried to get out of his grip he pulled me even closer, this is going great.

"Please stay" he said softly, eyes still closed. I stopped trying to get out of his grip and decided to wait untill he was sleeping deeply again.

I have accepted going on a date with him, I think that's enough for one night. Also, I don't want to hear any comments from the others because I didn't sleep in my own room.

I waited another hour before he finally let go of me myself, starting to talk to himself in his sleep. Cute.


"ALEX! I'VE GOT GREAT NEWS!" Luke screamed jumping on my bed I think. What a great way to wake up on the only day I was able to sleep in this week. I looked at my phone completly ignoring him to see how late it was. When I saw it wasn't even 9am yet I looked at him ready to kill him.

"It better be great or I'll kill you for waking me up." I groaned pulling the covers over my head, not ready to wake up completly

"It's really good." The bed started to squeek and I could feel him moving. "I just got off the phone with management."

"And you couldn't tell me that another time? Like not at 9am."

"You are clearly not a morning person" he said laughing

"I am one most of the time, unless some idiot wakes me up on my sleep in day." I removed the blanket from my face only to send him a glare.

"Whatever, we're going out tonight. So get ready by 7."

"Luke, that means I still have 10 hours so why the hell did you have to wake me up?"

"Just go back to sleep now" he said pulling up my covers and lying down next to me.

"Luke." I warned him when he pulled me to his chest. He just ignore me and closed his eyes

"Goodnight." He said with a small smile.

He's an idiot. But he's cute.


A/N: this chapter is short but I wanted to have a full chapter for the date.


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