• Chapter 32 •

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We walked out of the sea holding hands. I felt safe with him.

"Let's try to have a date in every single country we go to the rest of the tour." Luke said when we sat down again. Bth still in our underwear to wait untill we dried up.

"That are going to be a hell of a lot dates." I said laughing a little.

"Okay, maybe not every country." He said laughing aswell. "But I really want to show you the world. I've been to most of these places before and I know exactly what kind of places you will like!"

"I can't believe in a month we will be back home. I wish we could stay traveling around" I said with a smile, I looked over at him and I let my eyes land on his "Thank you for taking me here tonight Luke. Thank you for not judging and being the same silly you that I once met"

"I'd do everything for you Alex" He said looking at me with a smile.


We were walking back to the tour bus after our second date. We found out that while on tour, it is hard to find places where people can't see us to go out. But we found this cute little restaurant where they were able to offer us a table in the back, so nobody could see us.

"I've got a very important question" He said when we stopped

"Ask away." I said while I looked up at him, more like staring in his eyes.

"Do you kiss after a second date or do I have to wait untill we're married?" He said, a grin placed on his lips.

"You're not even my boyfriend yet and you're already talking about marriage." I said laughing a little.

"Maybe we should change that." He had a huge happy smile on his face now, but you could clearly hear he was nervous aswell. "Alexandra Joy, will you be my girlfriend?"

I didn't really reply to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes before placing a soft kiss on his lips. As soon as he realised what I was doing he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and started leaning down so I didn't had to reach that high. I'm not a midget, he's just a giant.

It was a sweet kiss and I was suprised he pulled away slightly "Can I see that as a yes?" He asked, our lips almost touching.

"Yes you can" I whispered back before attaching our lips one last time. His lips on mine just felt great.


It has been 3 weeks since we had he had asked me and I've loved every single moment of it.

Somehow Luke has been able to get out those little parts in me that I have been hiding for everyone for so long. I've never felt as happy as I did around him. We did decide to keep 'us' behind the scenes for a while, it was on my own request.

Management has given us a thumbs up to date in public but I just feel that we need to be sure of us before we show it to everyone. I haven't even told Megan yet as I'm way too scared she might tell someone by accident.

Tonight was the last concert before we would go back home for 2 weeks, I was sort of scared for that. I don't know why I'm this scared to go back but everything was going so good while touring even if we were around eachother 24/7, I'm scared it will change.

"Hey" I heard a voice I didn't recognise imediately say. I looked up and was faced with Luke's mom.

"Hi" I said back smiling. "Excited for the last concert of the European part?" I asked sitting up straight again and taking my camera away from the seat next to me so she could sit down.

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