• Chapter 21 •

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"Would you like to come?" Ashton asked when I kept looking at Luke.

"Ofcourse" I said with a smile when I turned back around to face him.

"I have to go to another meeting, Alex, it was lovely to meet you and I hope to hear some positive news from you soon." He said looking at me with a smile.

"I will call you as soon as I've read it." I gave him a smile back and shook his hand. He left and I was alone with the 4 weirdos. And one of them has completly broken my heart.

"Alex.." Luke started walking up to me.

"Don't need to hear it Luke, I'm happy for you." I said with a smile. Even if I was the one to stop our friendship, it still hurts like hell.

"You are?"

"Ofcourse." I gave him a big smile and he seemed happy with that. "At what time do you have rehearsals?" I said giving Ashton my full attention again

"In like 1 hour, so we can hang out first or go eat something if you're hungry." He said

"I didn't expect to be here so long so maybe we could eat something" I said giving him a big smile

"Okay! Anyone else hungry?" He asked looking at the others who were now placed in the couches.

They all shook their head so Ashton and I left.

"I'm sorry about what just happened, I really thought you knew." He said looking down

"Luke and I haven't talked the past 2 weeks."

"Why? You seemed to get along so well and I really thought you would end up together."

"Luke has done something I can't really forgive him completely for. I was willing to if he promised me one thing, but he couldn't promise that. So I told him to stop talking to me."

"Luke can be an asshole." He sighed and looked at me. Ashton is so much shorter then Luke.

"He's not an asshole, he just has his own way of dealing with things."

"He told us"

"Told you what?" I asked looking up at him

"Everything. About the thing you're trying not to give a name." He said and I looked back down.

"Oh" was all I could say. He told all of them.

"I'm not going to judge you, don't worry. If you're feeling better now, I'm happy about that. If you need someone to talk, I'll always be here." He said looking down at me with a smile. He wrapped my arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer after entering the small 'restaurant'.

"Thank you." I said and smiled back at him.

Ashton is nice, atleast he doesn't runs away.

"No problem" We both took something to eat and sat down at the table.

"Is Luke happy with her?" I asked looking down at my feet.

"He seems to be, she's a great person. I don't think she would use or hurt Luke." He said silently

"That's great. I really am happy for him." I said a small smile on my face

"You're a really strong person." He said a big smile on his face aswell

"I've learned there are worse things in life then guy problems" I said laughing a little

"You look cute when you laugh" he said making me blush a little

"Thank you, you just always look cute"

"We have to go back in 10minutes so we better finish this fast." He said after looking at his phone, I nodded and finished the last part.

"Let's go" we both stood up and Ashton put away our plates.

We walked back to where we came from but went into the room next to it, which turned out to be the music room. It looked so cool.

When I looked around my eyes landed on the two girls that were sitting there, the girlfriends.

"Hey Janet and Ally!" Ashton said going up to them and giving both a quick hug "this is Alex" he pointed over at me when I walked closer

"Hi, it's nice to meet you both" I gave them both a big smile and looked back at Ashton

The brown haired one of them gestured for me to sit down next to her before turning to Ashton "have you finally found yourself a pretty lady?"

"I found a pretty lady, but she's not mine" he said laughing a little. Both pretending like I wasn't there at all.

"Mm, if that's what you say." She said looking at him and then at me with a small grin.

"I'm about to sign a contract to work for the boys, so it will just stay friends, believe me." I said a smile on my face.

"Dating your boss, not bad." She said making all of us laugh. "What's the job you're going to do?" She asked looking interested

"I would go with them on their upcoming tour as a photographer." I said, Ashton disappeared when he and the boys were called and soon I saw them standing at the side of the microphones.

"That's so cool. I hope you sign it, I'm coming on tour with them aswell for most parts. It would be nice having someone I've met before when they're working." She said smiling "I'm Ally btw, Luke's girlfriend."

She's cute, Luke picked out a nice girl.

"It really is great to meet you Ally" I gave her the best smile I could before looking down at my hands.

"Did you know the guys before the job offer?" She said looking at them

"I have met them a few times before. I've talked mostly with Ashton and Luke before, not alot with Calum and Michael." I said, trying to avoid telling her about Luke and I.

"They're all great guys. Ashton really is the sweetest of them all, he will literally do anything he can to make someone happy." She said with a smile "I think he would make a fantastic boyfriend." She elbowed me and looked at me with a grin before going on "Calum and Michael are very silly. They love to joke around and make fun but if needed they can be serious aswell. And Luke, Luke is just Luke. Even if he's a little weird at times, he's the best that ever happened to me." She smiled and looked at Luke. She looks so happy.

"I've noticed that about Ashton, he's a great guy. But I don't think he's my type." I said looking at him, at that moment he looked straight back at me, giving me a big happy smile.

"Oooh are you more into the badboys?" She said laughing a little

"No, just not into my boss" I said before laughing together with her

"We'll see. And technically, they aren't your bosses, their boss is your boss."


A/N: Anyone wants some Ashton love?

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