Chapter One

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There he was, his silver eyes like I've never seen before.

Charlotte stares at him, then he speaks, "Miss Charlotte, let me introduce myself. I am Alecai Silverlight. Your mother and my mother are close friends."

I bow my head in honor to be in the presence of an alpha. Alecai was handsome -the silver eyes, the dark black night of his hair, and his porcelain skin- It amused Charlotte, but in a good way.

Charlotte didn't know many alphas since she is only just a pup. Alecai and other alphas of the packs try to avoid pups. On the other hand, Alecai didn't know.

"Alecai, I'm very sorry to interrupt this conversation, but I am in quite a hurry. Lots of things to do you know. Practice and things...." Her voice trailed off and then she stared at him.

Alecai was quite confused, but he allowed to her to leave. Charlotte then took off and headed for some place to be alone. She wasn't even worried, or was she?

By the time, Charlotte had escaped that situation she was quivering with fear. Not once has an alpha ever spoken to me. Now that one has, he might find out.

While it was becoming dark, Charlotte had caught Alecai in the library. She shuttered and stood against the wall. I could hear his voice through the outside of the doors. She couldn't believe this was happening, now her life is in danger.

Alecai speaks while he types, "Charlotte Whitemoon."

Charlotte thought to herself, 'Shit! He's going to find out, I'm a pup!'

Alecai was shocked, "Sh-she's a... A PUP!" He was very furious, filled with anger. Charlotte ran off with tears in her eyes.

By the time Charlotte got outside she was crying. "I'm so fucking screwed." She took off again and headed towards her grandfather's cabin. He was looking after her while her mother was gone.

Her grandfather looks over at her, "My dearest Charlotte, what is the matter ?"

"Oh grandfather, I-I.... I talked to Alecai and he found out I was a pup!" She blurted out, feeling disappointed in herself.

Grandfather spoke, with a little bit of anger and disappointment in his voice "Charlotte, what have your mother and I told you? Stay away from alphas! That was the rule, to protect you!" He shouted.

Charlotte whimpered, she was very afraid. Next thing she knows, Alecai storms into grandfather's cabin. My grandfather steps in front of me. "Alecai calm down. I know you're mad, but you didn't know."

"Sam, she should've told me! She shouldn't have lied to me like that!" Alecai growled looking at me. "Now, I advise you to move! Or you're gonna get yourself hurt." That made Charlotte pissed off.

"How dare you threaten him! She's an old man, MY GRANDFATHER AT THAT!" Charlotte growled angrily. She stood up and attacked Alecai. Alecai and Charlotte fought for awhile. He had wounded Charlotte, deeply and painfully.

Soon Charlotte's mother walked in, to see her daughter laying on the floor wounded, she was furious at the sight. She barked loudly, and then the fighting stopped.

"ALECAI!? What did you do to her!?" Lila demanded angrily. Alecai had nothing to say, Lila still mad, and now becoming upset. Charlotte was losing blood by the minute. "Alecai, go get your mother. NOW!"She growled.

Charlotte's breath was shortening, her vision fuzzy and soon passed out. "Stay with me Charlotte." A few minutes after, Alecai's mother walked in. "How is she?" She shows Jasmine, Charlotte, and she jumped.

Jasmine looked at Alecai angrily and disappointed, "Alecai, h-how could you?" Alecai tried to explain but she didn't listen. Jasmine then went to Charlotte and was wrapping bandage around her opened wounds.

Alecai was now feeling terrible, for his mistake. He knew he should've asked if she was a pup or not. It wasn't right for him to threaten her grandfather. He felt guilty, and was now feeling desperate for Charlotte to wake up.

"C-could I stay with her, until she wakes up? I promise not to hurt her." The mothers both looked at each other. "Fine, but Scarlett is on watch. Hurt her again and you're grounded for a year." Alecai agreed. He came over to Charlotte and held her hand.

It's been three weeks now since, Charlotte has passed out. She hasn't woken up yet. Alecai hopes that she wakes up soon, so he can apologize. He knew that he shouldn't have been so hard on her. "Charlotte please wake up." A tear slipped off his face and onto her cheek.

It was strange, something shaped like a moon appeared on her cheek, and it glowed. Charlotte's eyes flutter open. Lila comes over, and sits beside Alecai. "Wh-what is he doing here? He almost killed me!" Charlotte then stood up and backed away, from the one she claims as a murderer.

Alecai then explained, "Look, Charlotte I know you're mad at me. I totally understand, I knew it wasn't right for what I did. But, I stayed here every night holding your hand. I stayed every night, and you can even ask you're mother." He smiled.

Charlotte looked over at her mother, "Is it true?" Scarlett nodded, to let her know he wasn't lying. Charlotte looked up at Alecai, and then hugged him. "Still mad at you for trying to kill me." Alecai hugged her back, "Totally understand"

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