Chapter Six

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She ran to him and hugged him, "Hello baby cakes." Charlotte giggled, "I'm not a little kid anymore." Luke hugged his sister, and laughed, "I know, but I haven't seen you in forever." Charlotte sighed, "Luke, it's been 10 years since you left me and mother." Luke felt sorry, "Where is mother ?" Charlotte looked at him with sad eyes, "No... it can't be.." Charlotte looked down, and hugged her brother, "I'm sorry, it happened a year ago."

Luke shrugged it off, he hated seeing his baby sister upset. Alecai was mad, "Umm, darling, who is this?" Charlotte totally forgot to introduce her brother, "Alecai this is Luke, my brother. Luke, this is my boyfriend Alecai." Luke nodded as in a pleasure to meet him. "Oh, there's someone I want you to meet, she's got your eyes." Charlotte called Kora outside, and then she came outside and to her mother. "Luke this is Kora, your niece." Luke smiled so happy to see his sister's daughter.

Charlotte was so happy to see Kora, and Luke getting along. "Why is he here?" Charlotte looked at Alecai, "He's here because he hasn't seen me for the past ten years, and we have a lot to catch up on. Besides we're the same blood." Alecai didn't know her brother was a vampire and that she was part vampire either. "Are you part?" Charlotte answered with yes, "That also means that Kora is as well, but she won't ever be like him."

"What is he part of?" Charlotte couldn't handle all of his questions but she answered this one, "He is part of a group, called the Red Bloods. He became part of that group awhile back last time I saw him. He kills and sometimes turns them so they get more people in their group. I never understood why my brother had to be a killer. When I found out he was a vampire as a kid because of my father, I had been afraid of him. Luke has a different personality than the ones he's around. Just stay away from him, and you'll be fine. I'm the only one allowed to be close to him because he's my blood, and it makes him easier not to be harmful. Answer all your questions?"

Alecai nodded, "Yea, thanks." Charlotte smiled and looked over to her brother, "Luke come inside, it's getting late." Luke had a sad expression on his face, "Baby cakes, I'd love too but.... I have to go back.." Charlotte ran to him and hugged him tightly, "Please don't leave me again, I'm never going to see you again after this. You're always too busy to come see me." Luke felt very sorry for tearing his sister's heart, but he needed to do what had to be done. After saying goodbye, he vanished. Charlotte was left alone in the dark, as she had been when she was little and her brother left. Charlotte was left in the dark from ten years ago, and now going back into the dark.

Alecai picked up Charlotte, and carried her in his arms back inside. "I can't believe he left again, I'm right back in the dark." Charlotte was upset, Alecai had to ask. "What do you means?" Charlotte began to explain, "When Luke and I were kids we played together forever and everyday. Luke left when he was about 7, I was 8. I've been left in the dark for ten years of my life, and now he's shutting me out again. I used to be afraid it was my fault he left."

Alecai hugged her, and tried to comfort her. He didn't want her to be upset and wanted her to come out of the dark where Luke had left her. Months went by and Luke was back, he knocked on the door, Charlotte answered, "LUKE!" Luke hugged her and came inside. "Are you back, for good this time?" Luke was disappointed, "Charlotte I know you want me forever but I can't stay forever. I'm only here for a few weeks and then I need to go back. After I leave I won't be back for another couple of months." Charlotte understood, but at least he got to stay for a few weeks, "A few weeks works with me."

Charlotte couldn't be happier, and her brother was here. She was no longer left in the dark where she'd been most of her life. Luke and Charlotte spent most of the weeks together catching up on what they'd missed growing up. Luke told her all about his group he's part of, and how he 'fits in' with them. To Charlotte, it looked more like they were changing him, because to to her, Luke wasn't the same from when they were kids.

"Luke, I'm sorry to cut things short, but I think it's best you leave now..." Luke didn't understand, but when wolves showed up that's when he understood. "Sorry you feel this way, baby cakes. See you next time." Charlotte muttered to herself, "There's won't be a next time." She walked back inside the house and she didn't feel left in the dark, she was happy.

Kora was up in her room, soundly asleep. Alecai on the couch, asleep as well. Charlotte decided to stay awake just in case Luke did come back, but for some reason she'd gotten a bad migraine, and her eyes flashed from her normal color to crimson red. "Owww.... That hurt.." Then she noticed the bite mark on her arm. "LUKE!? Oh you are so dead when you come back."

A month passed and Luke was back, I was with him for the most of the time. When the time was right I had attacked him, "I HATE YOU!" Luke just smirked, and chuckled, "No, you love me. I'm your big brother, remember?" Charlotte's head hurt again, she fell and couldn't get back up. "Charlotte?" Alecai came outside to grab Charlotte and bring her inside.

Alecai saw the bite mark on her arm, and how she had fangs, "What did you do to her!?" Luke shrugged, "Made her who she truly should be." He went outside to wait for Charlotte, but lucky for her she was able to fight it off and return back to her normal self and get rid of the venom. "Tell, Luke that he is no longer allowed here.. And he is no longer my brother." Alecai nodded and went outside, "Luke?" Luke looked up, "I'm sorry, but I go by Charlotte's commands. Charlotte has decided that you're no longer allowed back after this trip, and you're no longer her brother."

Alecai went back inside, and hugged Charlotte. Luke was pissed off and he left. Charlotte never wanted to see her brother again, after what he did she wasn't quite happy with him. She never called him 'brother' again.

"I cannot believe I trusted him to ever come back into my life." I was so furious, I couldn't believe he would hurt me, when all my life I've wanted him back. If he wanted me back into his life, he wouldn't do this. "I swear this has to do with his group, because he promised he'd never hurt me even if he was told too." 

Alecai trying to help as always but got pushed away, "Sweet heart could I-" He was cut off by Charlotte's voice, "I need you to stay here with Kora, and don't come after me. I'm going for my brother." Alecai nodded and stayed behind as he watched Charlotte leave him behind. She took off into the vampire territory, "Luke!? I know you're here, we need to talk." Luke came out right away, "You're not supposed to be on our side, besides why do you care?"

Charlotte was scared, but was less afraid of him, "Look, I wasn't thinking straight, I was just not in my right place, and I decided to come back to you." Luke smiled, "Well that's gr-" Charlotte interrupted, "On one condition, you don't leave me ever again and you never hurt me. Like you promised when we were kids." Luke agreed, he knew what he had to do. "Now may I?" Charlotte nodded, "You may." Luke ran so fast, and turned her to a vampire, it only took a few seconds before Charlotte was just like him.

"I love you big brother." She smiled, and hugged him. Luke hugged Charlotte back, "I love you too little sister." Charlotte didn't return home for seven months, Alecai was worried and Kora had gotten bigger within those months. Kora couldn't help but ask, "Daddy, where's mommy?" Alecai sighed, "She just left for awhile, she had to do something." Kora was disappointed.

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