Chapter Three

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There was a banging at the door.... "Charlotte go hide in your room, Alecai go with her." They both ran upstairs and locked the door. Scarlett answered the door, "Andrew..." He smirked and growled, "Where is she Scarlett, where's the mutt?!" Scarlett growled even louder, "SHE'S NOT A MUTT !" Andrew and Scarlett were fighting now, Andrew hurt Scarlett pretty badly. "She will die one day, overprotecting slut." Andrew had left.

Charlotte and Alecai came downstairs after they heard the door slam close. Charlotte saw her mother on the floor and ran to her, "MOM!" She growled and walked away from her, "Take her to your mother Alecai and don't come back. I'm doing something that could destroy our relationship, and I need to do this." Alecai nodded and took Scarlett to Jasmine. Charlotte packed a bag of clothes, what she will need to survive. She was leaving and never coming back.

Charlotte took off into the woods, and to the cemetery. Charlotte stopped at her father's grave that read: 'Tiger Whitemoon. Loving father, and caring husband. 1989-2010' Charlotte missed her father more than ever. "I love you daddy, and I miss you so much. I will fight for what's right and what has happened to you, but I need to be alone for now." She smiled then took off to somewhere it was safe for her.

She arrived at her aunt's house out of the wolf grounds an hour and a half after running away. "Auntie Kyla ?" Kyla opened the door. "Charlotte, come inside." Charlotte ran in and threw her bag on the floor. "I need help to kill Andrew Silverlight." A part of Kyla knew what Charlotte was talking about. She nodded, "I'll get other's to help, we can make a large group and take him down as one." Charlotte agreed, but she needed to sleep. She crawled onto the couch and fell asleep, that's when her nightmares began.

Charlotte began tossing and turning. She having a horrid nightmare of her mother, and Alecai getting killed. She woke up screaming, "NOOOO! She had heavy breathing and almost couldn't breathe. Charlotte was so scared, but it was only a dream, it wasn't real. She tried to forget it and went back to sleep. This time she was able to sleep without having nightmares.

Morning arose, and her aunt was gone looking for others to help them. Charlotte got dressed and went outside to train herself. She got stronger each day she trained, she never stopped not until she was ready. Months passed and she was stronger, even stronger than Alecai. "Woah..." said her aunt, she was surprised. "I never stopped, until I was ready. We are all ready to fight." She was confident.

The entire group had their game, and now they marched to Andrew Silverlight's home. Charlotte banged on the door, "Andrew open up!" She shouted. Andrew came outside, and then all of the group attacked. It only took an hour before Andrew Silverlight's death. Charlotte, then saw the glimpse of Alecai's silver eyes. She froze and fell backwards, hitting her head on a rock. Charlotte's head was bleeding, Alecai yelled, "Get her inside, QUICKLY!"

Alecai was worried, he grabbed some bandage and wrapped it around her head where the opened wound was. He stayed with her every step of the way. Hours later Charlotte's eyes fluttered opened, "Owww...." She put a hand where it hurt. Alecai saw she was awake, "Hey, hey, hey, easy now. It's just a scratch." he reassured her. Charlotte then put her head back down. "What happened?" Alecai looked at her, "Well you saw something, stumbled backwards and tripped hitting your head on a rock."

Charlotte was feeling so much pain, she didn't know she wounded anywhere but her head. But when she saw the other bandages she figured out that she wasn't strong enough. All that mattered to her was having Alecai's father dead, which he was. "Alecai there's something you need to see. Get dressed and come with me." Charlotte stood up being able to move and got dressed. She went outside and waited for Alecai. He came outside and they both walked to the cemetery, they stopped at her father's grave.

"This is my father's grave. I wish I knew him longer, it wasn't fair that he was taken from me. I grew up without a mother half my life, and now I'm scared of losing you too." Alecai took her hand and put it on his chest, his voice so sweet and gentle, "As long as my heart is still beating, I'll always be with you." She smiled and hugged him. After that they went to a place of beauty, sun shining through the trees, animals everywhere, and a huge duck pond you could swim in. She was so fascinated, "this is beautiful." Alecai smiled, "Thought you would love it."

Charlotte's smile faded, "My mother... d-did she make it?" Alecai looked back to see the sad look on her face, "I-I'm s-sorry Charlotte, it was too l-late." Charlotte ran to him and hugged him tightly, she began to cry, "I wanna go home." Alecai took her home to his place, he laid her in his bed and laid besides her. He placed one arm over her and pulled her close, keeping her warm. Charlotte woke up an hour or so after feeling refreshed, the room so pretty to her. "Hello sunshine." Alecai said and wiped the hair out of her face.

Months passed over, and the both of them had been dating for 16 months. Alecai woke up to see Charlotte gone,"Charlotte!?" She came into the room sexily, "I'm still here, silly." He was relieved, he thought she had left him. "Well damn, you look sexy." She laughed, "Want me?" He nodded, "Come and catch me!" She ran out of the room, and Alecai chased after her. Charlotte laughed seeing that Alecai couldn't catch her, so she slowed down a little and Alecai caught her, pushing her against the wall. "Caught ya." He smirked.

Charlotte laughed, "Well, well, well, if it isn't the sheriff of hotness." He smiled and chuckled. "You're in for a treat tonight." He said with a sly look on his face then smirked, Charlotte blushed. The both of them had the best nights ever, they would love and love until Charlotte screamed his name to stop. That was Alecai's way of getting what he wanted. Charlotte couldn't believe that it had been sixteen months that they've been dating, it felt like she's been loving him forever.

Later that night, Alecai wasn't kidding about her treat from this morning. "Don't forget what I said, I won't stop until you scream my name." They started having sex and it was about two hours after, Charlotte started to whisper his name, "Alecai.... Alecai..." Then he hit her hard where she liked it, "ALECAI!" When he heard her scream he stopped, "Good girl." She pulled him close to her and kissed his lips, biting his bottom lip. Alecai kissed her back deeply, and passionately and some what hours passed that they were cuddled up in the blankets snuggling each other.

Charlotte woke up the next morning, and she didn't feel well. She walked into the bathroom, and then she was throwing up. Alecai woke up hearing her, and rushed to the bathroom, "We need to get you to a hospital." Alecai got dressed then dressed Charlotte, and rushed her to the car and to the hospital. When they got Charlotte to an emergency room, Alecai waited to see her in the waiting room. They did many tests to see what was wrong, they had gotten the results, and came back to tell Charlotte.

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