Chapter Five

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Charlotte ignored him and finished getting dressed, she left the bathroom pushing past him and going to lay down in the bed. 

Alecai tried again, "I said-" Charlotte interrupted him, "I heard what you said, and it's from you." He didn't understand and couldn't remember. All Charlotte cared about was keeping herself safe from Alecai. There were so many bruises on Charlotte's wrists, and she had so many marks from Alecai. She didn't understand why this was happening to her, and from him at that.

"I'm sorry Charlotte." Alecai's phone rang, he left the room to take it. Charlotte wanted to know if he was cheating on her, so she went to the doorway and listened in. Alecai spoke, "Hey princess." 'PRINCESS!? IS HE CRAZY? ONLY HE CALLS ME THAT!' "Alecai, please come upstairs... You need to rest now, it's getting late." Alecai replied, "Coming darling. I need to go, goodbye."

As soon as Alecai was asleep, Charlotte grabbed his phone and texted this girl he was talking to, 'Hi.. I can't talk to you anymore, I have a girlfriend and she's great. Thanks for understanding, so please don't call me ever again.' "That ought to teach him." She hid his phone and powered it off. 

Months passed and things have gotten a lot worse than what they were before. Kora was 10 now, Alecai became more abusive and Charlotte was getting weaker. Charlotte was in the bedroom with Kora, and the door was locked. "Mommy, why does daddy hate you?" Charlotte had a horrible explanation but it worked, "Well... daddy doesn't hate me, he's just too loving to notice his love for me. I know what I'm doing, just go to your room and keep the door locked." Kora nodded and did as her mother said.

Just as Kora left her mother's room, Alecai walked in. "Where the hell is my phone?" Charlotte replied, "I don't know, I haven't seen it."  Alecai walked over to Charlotte grabbed her by the arm and picked her up, once to her feet he slapped her hard enough to leave a mark. Charlotte fell to the floor, and couldn't stand back up.

Jasmine came over to the house and Charlotte had to act as if she was fine. She got up and walked down stairs bruises and marks showing. "Charlotte?" Jasmine called. She had seen Charlotte coming down the stairs and then she lost her balance completely and fell down the stairs. Jasmine ran immediately to her and helped her up, she noticed all the marks on her body then called for Alecai.

Knowing Alecai to be abusive when he came downstairs he had blood on his hands. "What the fuck do you want mother?" Jasmine was furious just looking at him and what he's done to Charlotte. "How could you? Look what you've done." She turned her back towards him and that's when he came to a realization that he's been abusing Charlotte, and it was hard for her to talk.

Jasmine helped Charlotte to her car and took her to the hospital to get x-rays done. Once getting the x-rays were finished they had told Charlotte that she had a cracked bone in her arm and in her leg. They gave her a cast for where the broken bones were, then Jasmine took her home and then decided to stay with her until she was better, so she didn't have to worry about Alecai being abusive. As soon as they arrived home, Alecai was worried, "What happened?" Jasmine explained to him about the cracked bones in her arm and leg. She needed to be on bed rest for a few weeks. 

Kora came running downstairs and went to her mother immediately. She was afraid of her own father. Alecai, was now afraid of himself and hurting his family. "I-I... I'm going to run some errands." Alecai left  the house and ran off. Charlotte held Kora to her chest and hugged her, "I'll be okay. I promise you once I'm better, we can do something together." Jasmine nodded agreeing with her daughter in-law.

Weeks passed and Alecai wasn't back home yet, he was starting to worry Charlotte. Charlotte was off bed rest, and teaching Kora skills she needed to know before she went out and went hunting. After a few hours, Alecai showed up. Charlotte turned to see him, open wounds, bruises and weak. Alecai fell and Charlotte got over to him before he hit the ground, "What have you done?"

Alecai spoke, "I felt bad, and I feel bad for being gone for so long. I did this for you." Charlotte cried, "Please... Please don't do this again." He nodded and looked at his girlfriend. Charlotte sighed and remembered the powers her mother had given her. She used the healing power for Alecai, and gave him his strength back, and it cleared his wounds and bruises. "How did you do that?" Alecai asked her, and she explained about the powers her mother gave her.

Charlotte didn't really talk about her mother ever since the day she died. She tried to be strong, and she was. Charlotte headed back inside and went upstairs to lay down, once she got to the room her head started spinning and she collapsed to the floor. "Alecai! Come in here quickly!" Alecai rushed inside of the house and went up to Charlotte, "She just fainted that's all, her head spins, and then she falls. It happened this time because of the room. I'm going to put her to bed, and stay with her until she wakes up."

Alecai picked up Charlotte and brought her over to their bed, gently, he placed her down to rest. He sat across the room, against the door watching her to make sure she was okay when she woke up. Charlotte and Kora were the only ones that Alecai truly loved. He wouldn't let anything or anyone -including himself- hurt them. He was going to be the best he could be, and try not to go overboard with his protection of his family.

Alecai was going to do whatever it took to keep his family safe. He smelled the air and could smell a predator of some kind. He went outside, to see a vampire -which he hates- and didn't like them at all. "What are you doing here ?" The vampire smiled, "Came to see my sister." Alecai wasn't sure who he was talking about. Charlotte woke up sensing her brother's presence, she got up and ran outside, "Luke!" She ran to him and hugged him, "Hello baby cakes."  Charlotte giggled, "I'm not a little kid anymore."

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