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Charlotte - Supersonic hearing, and a hybrid. Loving, caring, kind, adoring, gentle, and steady. Other times she is aggressive, and over protective. Becomes aggressive when protecting her family, and becomes protective of Kora to protect her from harm.

Kora - Hypersensitive hearing, part hybrid. Gentle, sweet, calm, loving, adoring, and repetitive. Other times she's aggressive. Daughter of Charlotte of Alecai. Step daughter to Jack.

Jack - Supersonic sense of smell. Kind, gentle, sweet, steady, aggressive, loving, caring, and protective. He only gets aggressive towards predators, and become protective of his family. Married to Charlotte. Kora is step daughter.

Alecai - Super strong. Aggressive, caring, gentle. Aggressive to protect what's important to him. Was dating and married to Charlotte. Kora is daughter.

Alecai's Girlfriend - Unknown - Never Mentioned Again.

Charlotte's parents - Hybrids. Reason for this: Parents were experimented on, and when they met each other, they fell in love. They had a child, and that's how Charlotte was born.

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