Chapter Ten

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  That's when mother got upset and went into the bathroom locking the door.

Alecai knocked on the bathroom door, "Charlotte.. please open the door. I need to explain myself." Charlotte didn't want to hear it, she was actually getting left behind all by herself. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Alecai tried to convince her, "Charlotte please?" Charlotte got furious, "JUST GET OUT!!!" She started crying, and Alecai looked away from the door. He walked out, and left the house.

After hearing the door shut, she came out. Charlotte and Kora were left alone, no more Alecai, no more love, no more torture. Charlotte was disappointed, and felt she didn't do a good enough job of loving him. "After all this time, and now he leaves... If he didn't love me, he could've just told me." Kora hugged her, and sat on her lap, "Please don't be sad, mom." Charlotte decided to be happy, for the sake of her daughter.  Her daughter was the only one she had left.

About a week later, Charlotte was out walking through the plaza going shopping with Kora. She spotted Alecai with another girl, and inside her head, it drove her mad. "Kora keep walking," she whispered when Kora had seen her father. Kora grabbed her mother's hand and kept walking. After an hour of shopping, the two headed home and Kora tried on her new clothes. She was getting ready to go into school. Kora was eight now, it was time she go into schooling.

Later, when Kora was asleep napping Charlotte went to the school and registered her. Kora was going to be in the second grade. Charlotte finished her registration and went back to the house, but an unexpected guest was there, she rushed inside. "Kora!?" "I'm fine mother, Just Jack." Charlotte was relieved that it was only her best friend, so she went upstairs and saw them playing together. She smiled, "Jack? Can we talk?" He nodded and went downstairs with Charlotte.

"I appreciate you coming here, there's something I gotta tell you. Neither Kora or Alecai know about this..." Jack was always a good listener, and was listening, "Go on." Charlotte continued, "I'm pregnant, but the baby is different. The child is a vampire..." Jack was shocked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I need you do me a favor.. I need you to cut it out and kill it.." Jack could do that, because he was her best friend of course.

Jack went into the kitchen, and grabbed a knife. He cut her stomach open, and saw the child. He cut the kid out and then killed it. After doing this favor, Jack sewed the opened wound closed, and kissed her forehead. Charlotte blushed, "Look.... I need you to stay here. Alecai walked out on us, and I saw him with another girl. I want you here..." Jack understood, "Of course, I will stay with you. I will stay as long as you want." Charlotte was very happy.

Charlotte loved her best friend, he was with her every step of the way. But Charlotte, and Jack started getting feelings towards each other. One day, she confessed her love, and he told her he felt the same way. Jack couldn't help but ask, "Charlotte will you be my girlfriend?" Charlotte was very happy, "Yes, I will be happy to be your girlfriend." From that day on, Jack and Charlotte raised Kora together, as if Jack were her father.

Two years came and went, and Kora had gotten bigger and was in the fifth grade. Her mother allowed her to have an Instagram, and a twitter. Kora only posted what she thought was beauty, and tweeted things that made her feel good. Kora's real father, Alecai, kept an eye on her with social media and kept his identity a secret. He didn't want her to know it was him. Jack waited until the time was right,"Charlotte I want to ask you something." Charlotte nodded as if it was okay for him to ask. Jack got down on one knee, "Charlotte WhiteMoon, will you do the honor, of making me the happiest man, and marry me?" Charlotte was shocked, "YES! YES, I WILL MARRY YOU!"

He slipped the ring on her finger, "Oh Jack, it's beautiful." He smiled, then kissed her gently. Charlotte called Kora down, "Kora!!!" Kora rushed downstairs, "Yes mother?" "Jack, and I are getting married." Kora was surprised, and very happy. Jack and Charlotte prepared the wedding ideas, and everything they needed.

About another year later, Jack and Charlotte invited their wolf friends and everyone came together. They got married and everyone celebrated at their after party, which was amazing. Charlotte finally felt settled down, and was very happy, unlike Alecai, Jack told her, he'd put her, and Kora first. Later that evening, everyone went home, and they were relaxed.

In the morning, Charlotte went out to do some grocery shopping because they were running low on food. Alecai and Charlotte ran into each other, Alecai talked to her, "H-hey..." "Hi..." Alecai noticed the ring on her finger, "Oh so your married now?" Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Yes, asshole. Unlike you, he puts us first." Alecai felt terrible, and then Charlotte pushed past him, so she could continue to shop to search what she was looking for, and what she needed. She checked out, and brought all the groceries and put them in the trunk of the car, *Jack's car.*

Alecai had seen, that she had on a promise ring, and the ring he gave her. Charlotte drove back to the house, and put away the groceries. She took off her ring that Alecai gave her, and tossed it in the trash. Kora's promise ring from Alecai was also tossed out, the only thing that remained of Alecai, was Kora's locket. Charlotte went to go get the locket, then she tore his picture out and replaced it with Jack's, "That's better."

Jack spent all of his time, with Charlotte and Kora. He even cooked them dinner most nights, and they took turns in the kitchen to cook meals for the week. "Kora, your father is driving you to school tomorrow." Kora was okay with that. The next morning Kora got ready for school, and did her chores. Jack got up, "Ready for school?" She nodded and they went out to the car. They got in, buckled and he drove her to school. Jack dropped her off, "Your mother will be here to pick you up." He drove off, and drove back to the house. Charlotte was still asleep.

He went upstairs and crawled back into bed, and cuddled with Charlotte. She smiled, and wrapped her arms around him. Their feet came together, and they were twined together. They loved each other very much, and this love was stronger than what she and her ex had. *Not saying Alecai's name anymore, due to them breaking up*

Charlotte woke up, and saw Jack's face. She got up and kissed his forehead. Charlotte went downstairs, and made breakfast for the two of them. Jack had smelled the bacon almost immediately and went downstairs, "is that bacon?" Charlotte giggled, "Yes it is." Jack loved bacon.


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