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Before I officially begin proper planning of It's About Time, I need to know what you guys liked most about the original story and/or what I could have improved on.

Below, I'll list some elements of the original Plants vs. Zombies story. I'd love for you to leave an in-line comment on each and honestly tell me whether you liked what I did, whether it needed improved, or if it was just okay.

And don't say "it was all good" and nothing else because that doesn't help. If you honestly thought it was all good, then explain what made each part good.

Same with everything else. Didn't like it or thought it was okay? Tell me why you think that way. I won't be angry if you found some parts bad or okay. I'm just looking for honesty.

The original characters (Alex, Freddy, Josie, Minion)

My version of Crazy Dave

My version of Dr. Zomboss

The adaptation of the levels

The side-story of Josie x Alex

The sci-fi vibe with the plant technology

Putting most of the focus on the humans

The Plants' personalities

Overall character development



Thanks in advance, guys! The feedback I get will help a lot in the planning of It's About Time, so please be as honest as possible!

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