Chapter 7

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A while later, Crazy Dave called them all down to the living room.

“I want you to meet...Potato Mine!” He then moved out of the way, revealing...a flower pot with a metal antenna sticking out of it.

“I don’t get it,” Freddy told him. Suddenly, the antenna lifted up a little, revealing a potato with eyes and a mouth half-sticking out of the dirt!

“He needs only 25 sunawatts instead of Cherry Bomb’s 150,” Dave continued. “All you do is plant him in the ground, and when a zombie steps on him, SPUDOW!!! He explodes, thus killing the zombie!”

“Sounds too good to be true,” Josie told him. Dave just sighed.

“It is,” he told her. “When he’s planted, it takes 15 seconds for him to activate. That means you can’t just plant him and instantly expect results. You gotta place him ahead of time.”

“Shouldn’t be too big of a problem,” Alex said. “It’ll certainly save a lot of sunawatts.”

“Exactly,” Dave replied with a smile.

ERT! ERT! ERT! They had started to get familiar with the sound now.

“It’s as if the zombies can’t wait to let us attack them with a new plant!” Freddy said with a chuckle.

“Well, then, let’s give them what they want!” Josie responded. With that, all of them headed down to the basement.

By now, it was the same routine: start planting Sunflowers, and when you have enough, start putting Peashooters. They had gotten so good at it that they could set up all the Sunflowers and Peashooters in merely 1 minute! That definitely helped them a lot.

This time, however, they started planting Potato Mines a tad before planting Peashooters, just to be safe. As Dave said, when it was planted, it was just an antenna sticking out of the ground. Soon, a zombie was approaching the Potato Mine!

“Why isn’t it activated yet?!” Alex asked with worry.

“Just wait a second!” Dave told him. Right as he said that, the zombie was about to step on the square housing the Mine. Suddenly, as it was about to put its foot down, Potato Mine popped out of the ground!

SPUDOW!! Potato Mine and the zombie exploded, leaving behind a small pile of, what appeared to be, mashed potatoes.

“Best part is,” Dave told them all, “what’s left behind of the Mine is 100% edible!”

“Really?” asked Josie.

“Of course! Though you MAY taste a slight hint of gunpowder...” Alex just shrugged.

“I’d still eat it,” he said aloud. Josie just smiled.

“Anything for fresh and delicious food, eh?” she asked.

“Pretty much!” Alex responded.

“Can you guys try and keep it quiet?” Freddy asked while staring at the laptop. “I’m trying to plant here!” Sure enough, he was in charge of planting this time.

“Just keep planting Potato Mines and we’ll be ok,” Alex told him.

“Okay,” Freddy told him. “But what do I do about THESE guys?” He pointed at the screen and a new zombie was on there! This one was dressed like a track runner and had a pole vault in his hand! He was also sprinting across the lawn towards the house!

“Plant a Wall-Nut!” Josie exclaimed, and Freddy quickly did as she said. However, when the zombie got to the Wall-Nut, it did the unexpected: it pole vaulted over Wall-Nut!

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