Chapter 25

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"Good luck," Dr. Zomboss said with an evil grin plastered on his face. Josie just stared at him with a determined glare in her eye.

"Just give us time to get ready," she told him.

"Very well," the zombie replied. "I'll give you exactly 5 minutes to prepare. Not that it'll help you..."

Josie just growled and turned towards the greenhouse. Alex and Freddy quickly ran up to her.

"Josie!" Alex told her. "Are you crazy?!" She just continued to keep walking.

"Look, Josie," Freddy told her, "I know you're angry about your parents, but-" Josie then stopped and turned around to face him.

"This isn't about my parents!" she said sternly. "This is about us! This is about stopping him once and for all!" She then turned back around and went to the greenhouse. Alex didn't really want to admit it out loud, but she did have a point of this being the only survivable option.

They then went into the greenhouse and found all of the Plants inside with worried expressions.

"What happened?" Sunflower asked. "We heard loud noises near the house and lawn!"

"Where's Crazy Dave?" Peashooter asked. The teen sighed and quickly explained everything that had just happened. The more they explained, the more scared and upset the Plants looked.

"Oh, no!" Wall-Nut gasped. "That's...just terrible..."

"There's no time to waste, guys," Josie told them. "We gotta get ready to fight him. There's no way we can bring all of you in the basement, though..."

"Let's just bring all that we could possibly need," Alex told them. They all then grabbed Peashooter, Sunflower, Wall-Nut, Lily Pad, the Pults, and a few explosive Plants.

"Before we go back inside," Alex told them all, "I'd like to say something." He then turned to look at all the Plants.

"I want to thank you all so much for keeping us alive," he explained. "If it wasn't for you guys, all three of us would be dead right now, and I want to truly thank you for keeping us alive."

"What makes you think we're going to stop now?" Sunflower demanded to know. "I'm just a Sunflower, but you've seen me power an entire infantry! We'll keep you alive now more than ever!"

"What she said!" Peashooter joined in. "We'll make sure that Zomboss guy gets it good!"

"YEAH!" all the Plants cheered at once. Alex felt the biggest smile ever grow on his face.

"Okay, guys!" he told them. "Let's get ready for the fight!"

"Good luck, guys!" Chomper told them.

"Thanks!" Freddy told him back. They all then went out of the greenhouse and into their regular house. Before going into the basement, Alex stopped and looked at the kitchen.

"The mushrooms are still in the cabinet!" he told them. "They could possibly help!"

"Then go get them!" Josie commanded. Alex then rushed into the kitchen and opened the cabinet containing the sleeping mushrooms, who were now awake and concerned.

"What's going on?" Sun-Shroom asked.

"No time to explain!" Alex replied. He then grabbed all the mushrooms in his arms and carefully ran towards the basement. Once down, he saw Peashooter typing in the computer.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked the Plant.

"Dave taught me the trick on how to eliminate reload time," he replied. "It's safe to say you guys need it now more than ever!"

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