Chapter 15

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“I’m glad you weren’t on the school choir,” Josie told Freddy. “You would’ve made the entire school a laughingstock!”

“Hey, I sung ‘Eye of the Tiger’ very well!” Freddy responded. “Look; 90%! I did great!”

“Yeah, but you were on ‘Easy’, which means it only picks up pitch! You could’ve been saying anything as long as the pitch was right!”

“Whatever! You’re just jealous!”

“Right, because there’s so much to be jealous of...”


“Well, you’re definitely gunna be jealous of my zombie-killing skills after I use the new fire-pea plant!” Freddy said proudly.

“Not if I get there first!!” Josie responded. She then threw the guitar at him and bolted for the basement.

“Hey!” Freddy called after her. He then ran down to the basement as well. Once they were both down there, however, they were shocked to see Alex already in the seat!

“When did you get down here?” Josie asked her friend.

“About 10 minutes ago,” Alex replied. “You were too busy with the game that you must not have heard me come down the stairs. By the way, Freddy, you should be glad you weren’t in the school choir; you would’ve made the school a...”

“OK! OK! I get it!” Freddy growled. “ the plant ready or not?” he asked Dave.

“Yep!” Dave replied. “Now, I couldn’t create a plant that could SHOOT fireballs. However, I managed to make something that creates the same result!”

He then turned to the side and revealed what appeared to be a short but thick log with fire coming out the top! The Plant had a serious look on its face.

“This is Torchwood!” Dave explained. “When a pea passes though the fire he produces, it turns the pea into a fireball! And fireballs do twice as much damage as a regular pea!”

“Well, good enough!” Freddy replied, clearly calmed down now.

“Let’s see how good he does!” Alex said before scanning Torchwood into the laptop. He then quickly started planting Sunflowers and Peashooters.

After a few regulars and Ducky Tubes were killed, a lot of Cone Heads started approaching!

“You could use more Repeaters!” Josie quickly suggested. Alex just quickly looked at her with confusion.

“Well, why do that when I can do...” he started, and then planted a Torchwood in front of a Peashooter. “...that!” he finished.

Sure enough, when the pea passed though the fire, it turned into a fireball! When the fireball hit the Cone Head in the face, the zombie instantly grabbed its face in pain! One hit later, its head flew off!

“I can see this thing being VERY useful!” Freddy said proudly.

“Well don’t think you’re so hot because you thought of it!” Josie told him. She then paused before replying, “Er, no pun intended.”

Suddenly, they all heard a dolphin click! They simultaneously turned to the TV and saw a zombie jump into the pool...on a dolphin’s back!!

“Holy cannoli!” Dave gasped. “Just when I thought I’ve seen everything...!”

Before any of them could respond, the Dolphin Rider Zombie was riding the dolphin across the pool faster than they had seen a zombie go yet! Before they could react, the zombie jumped over the first plant it came across, which happened to be the only Peashooter! However, it seemed to have lost its dolphin after jumping, as it was slowly swimming towards the Sunflower in front of it!!

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