Chapter 2

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This was the first time the boys have been out of the house in a whole year, so you can only imagine their reactions to everything! For the first 10 seconds they were squinting their eyes shut due to the sunlight. After getting used to the light, they proceeded towards the source of the ash cloud.

They were most shocked at the fact not a zombie was in sight. However, that only made them more cautious; you never know where one may be hiding.

After a few minutes, they found themselves staring at what remained of a house. Only a small amount of the walls were standing and burning wood could be seen all over the lawn. The smell of smoke was so strong they started coughing and tearing up.

"Nothing really left but ash and ember," Josie said. Alex just nodded.

"I guess it's not worth trying to find something," he said with slight disappointment in his voice.

"Let's head back," Freddy concluded. Then, just as they were about to turn back, a rumbling sound was heard. The teens quickly had their weapons ready. They quickly saw that the rumbling was coming from a piece of burning plywood lying on the lawn. After a minute, the whole board lifted and flipped, revealing the silhouette of what appeared to be a human.

"Don't attack until we're sure it's a zombie," Alex commanded. With that, they stood still staring at the figure. It then quickly sat up and started looking around. It then slowly stood up. It looked shaken up, since it hardly seemed able to stand.

Then, the ash slowly started to fade, revealing more of the figure. It had its back turned towards them, but they could make out the fact it appeared to be a middle-aged man who was rather portly. He was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, grey shoes, and....a cooking pot on his head.

After seeing it clearly wasn't a zombie, the teens slowly lowered their weapons.

"Hey, you!" Alex called. The man froze and slowly turned around. He had a frizzy beard and a slightly big nose. He also had sandy brown hair and one eye that appeared larger than the other. The smaller eye appeared to be a lazy eye.

"Well roll me in sausage grease and dip me in pine nuts!" the man exclaimed in a grizzly voice. "Are you humans?"

"Well, we have normal-pigmented skin, speak fluent English, and don't crave brains," Freddy replied. "Does that answer your question?"

The man simply smiled a great big smile. "Never thought I'd see another human again!" he exclaimed. With that, he ran over to them.

"I've never seen you before," Josie noted. "Who are you?" The man simply removed the pot from his head as if it was a hat.

"The name's Crazy Dave," he said, "but you can call me...Crazy Dave." He then placed the pot back on his head.

"Wait; THE Crazy Dave?" Alex asked. "That crazy guy who tried stealing the world's largest strip of bacon?" Dave just smiled.

"So I see you've heard of me," he responded. "So who are you guys?"

"I'm Alex Johnsen," Alex responded. "That's Josie Deacon and my brother Freddy."

"Pleasure to meet you all," Crazy Dave responded.

"What was with that explosion?" Josie asked.

"Oh, this?" Dave asked and pointed to the house. "I was just making one of my famous Crazy Dave-wiches!" The kids just stared with confusion.

"I don't think I even want to know..." Alex murmured.

"And you never will!" Dave said with a smile. Alex and Josie just stared at each other and had the same thought: 'Of all the survivors we could've found, it was THIS guy?'

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