Chapter 10

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Josie was sitting at the kitchen table with a steaming coffee mug in her hand and her head towards the window. She stared outside at the sky and saw the billions upon billions of stars up there. She also got a glimpse of a half-moon. She then let out a small sigh of disappointment. A second later, she heard a chair being pulled back. She turned and saw Alex sitting down in the chair next to her.

“You ok?” he asked. She slowly shook her head.

“One of my favorite things to do on a summer night was to lay out in the yard and stare at the sky,” she told him with a slight hint of sadness in her voice. “I’d try and make out constellations, maybe make my own, but mostly just fill my soul with the awe of nature’s beauty. But now I can’t even step outside of the house without the possibility of getting attacked by a zombie!” She then just closed her eyes tightly and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

“I just hate how you can’t even do what you love most because of these monsters!!” she continued with shakiness in her voice. Alex noticed more tears coming out of her eyes. “I just want things to go back to the way they were!! IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!?!” At this point she was just bawling. She placed her head on the table and started crying loudly.

Alex quickly placed his hand on her back and started rubbing it.

“Look at me,” he told her. It took a few seconds, but she slowly turned her face so she was looking at him. Her face was red and had tear streaks all over.

“You’re not the only one who’s upset about this,” he told her calmly. “You think I don’t miss being able to walk across the neighborhood without fear of being attacked and killed? If you do, you’re wrong.” He noticed a few more tears coming out of her eyes.

“We’ve all been severely impacted by this whole thing,” he continued. “I lost my parents. Freddy lost his best friend AND his parents. Dave’s lost his best friend, too. We all lost and miss something because of the zombies, but like Snow said, we gotta look at the positives!”

“What positives are there?!” Josie shrieked with tears. Alex just smiled and placed his hand and her shoulder.

“We still have each other,” he told her. “I guarantee if any of us were alone in this, we’d be goners. Well, okay, maybe Dave would have a better chance than us, but still.” A small smile grew on Josie’s face.

“Also, we’ve got a lot of protection now!” Alex continued to tell her. “Look at these plants that are doing nothing but protecting us! Sure, we’ve had close calls, but it’s still working better than what it could be like!” Josie slowly nodded.

“Most of all, the plants actually talk and have feelings! This gives us even more friends to talk to! Having these guys around makes me feel special because I’m not used to having a lot of friends who want to help me!” Josie just closed her eyes again.

“Look, I’ll be the first to say this life isn’t perfect, but you can’t live it very well if all you do is think negatively. Be happy you’re still alive when 99% of the population is nothing but goners!” She opened her eyes again and smiled.

“That’s what I like most about you, Alex,” she said. “You always know what to say to get me out of a funk.” Alex smiled as well. She then sat up and leaned over and hugged him tightly.

“Thanks for being my friend,” she whispered.

“Thanks for being mine,” he whispered back.

ERT! ERT! ERT! They continued to sit there hugging for a few more seconds before Josie got up and walked towards the basement. Alex then slowly got up and followed.

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