Chapter 21

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"Yes, Master?"

"Have you noticed something about the humans' abilities to fight the zombies?"

"Um...they keep beating us?"

"Well, yes...but other than that!"

"I'm not sure..."

"It's one type of zombie in particular that seems to be getting to them!"


"Do you pay attention to the live feeds during the attacks?!"

"Not really..."

"'s those Bungee Zombies! They don't have anything to protect themselves from them!"

"So what do you suggest? Sending nothing but Bungees?"

"Yes...nothing but Bungees!"

"With all due respect, Master, how exactly will that help us get their brains?"

"Oh. Well...we'll have them bring other zombies down with them!"

"But that wouldn't be ALL Bungees."

"I DON'T CARE! Just do it! NOW!"

"Yes, Master!"

Minion then ran out of the room as fast as possible. Zomboss then looked back at his notebook. 

'I've almost discovered the formula to create my Mega Zombie!' he thought to himself. 'It won't be long now before those humans are finished!"

*          *          *

"...and then the track would end right here, next to the laptop!" Crazy Dave finished.

"That's a very cool system!" Alex said with a nod.

"How long would that take to build?" Josie asked.

"Well, given the fact you'd have to tear a hole in the basement wall, create an underground tunnel, end up exactly in the greenhouse, and build a working railway system...adding time for breaks and gathering supplies, but subtracting time if all of us worked on it... I'd say about a few months. A year, tops!"

"Wow...that's quite the project!" Freddy said with a whistle.

"Well, it'll be worth it," Alex told him. "In the meantime, we'll just have to keep some of our regularly used Plants down here so we don't have to keep running to the greenhouse when zombies attack."

"Agreed," Dave said with a nod. "Speaking of which, we better grab some of them now, before the zombies attack again!"

"Good idea!" Alex agree.

With that, Alex and Freddy ran to the greenhouse.

"So you told the Plants we were gathering bandages for a cut?" Josie asked Crazy Dave.

"Hey, I was put on the spot! At least I didn't spoil the surprise!"

"That's true...thanks for that, by the way."

"No problem! They could use something nice like that!"

"Yeah...and it'll save a lot of space in the basement!"

"That's for sure!"

They then both chuckled. By that time, the boys had come back with Sunflower, Peashooter, Cabbage-Pult, Kernel-Pult, Flower Pot, Magnet-Shroom, Coffee Bean, Pumpkin, Cherry Bomb, and Chomper.

"By the way, I like the idea of these two," Alex told him, referring to Kernel and Coffee. "Very smart!"

"Thanks!" Crazy Dave replied proudly.

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