Chapter 20

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"Hey, Crazy Dave!" Sunflower asked as she hopped into the basement.


"Have you seen the teens anywhere?"

Dave froze with fear.


"Well, I can't find them anywhere! I'm getting worried..."

"You know, now that you mention it, I think they said they went out."

"Went out?! Why?!"

" supplies!"

"Supplies? What supplies could they possibly need?"

"Er...bandages! Yes, they went to look for bandages!"

"Did they get hurt?!"

"Um, yeah...Josie cut her finger and she and the guys are looking for bandages!"

"Why did she go with them?! It could get infected!"

"Uh...because she said the boys didn't know what kind she wanted, so they just let her come with!"



"Are you sure?"

"As sure as my mother had purple hair!"

"...Okay. I just hope they come back soon. It could get dangerous out there."

"I'm sure they'll be fine. They made sure to bring some of their old guns and stuff. They said they wanted all the Plants here so I could protect myself while they were gone."

"That was pretty considerate!"

"I guess so. So anyway, any thoughts on lunch?"

"Well, I've always wanted to try making grilled cheese sandwiches..."

*          *          *

"It'll be weird without seeing the kids here," Pea told them all.

"I know," Wall-Nut agreed. "But I'm sure Dave knows what he's doing!"

"He better," Repeater told them.

"He created the system!" Potato Mine chimed in. "He's the best guy there is at this!"

"Still," Chomper commented, "All it takes is a mistake to cause trouble."

"That could happen with or without the teens here!" Sunflower pointed out. "Everything's under control. Dave can protect himself, and the kids will be back soon."

"Here's hoping," Snow Pea said softly.


Luckily, all the Plants, as well as Dave, were in the basement, so there was no rushing down. They looked back at the roof and saw only three columns of Flower Pots this time!

"Okay, I didn't get to finish a way to fully stop the Bungee Zombies," Dave admitted to the other Plants. "However, I did manage to make THIS!"

He then pointed at the table to reveal what appeared to be a corn cob sitting upright in a Flower Pot. It also appeared to have some sort of catapult on the top of it.

"This is Kernel-Pult!" Dave explained. "He can fling corn kernels over the roof at the zombies!"

"Corn kernels?" asked Peashooter. "Doesn't that seem a little...weak?"

"Well, they are weaker than the cabbages," he admitted. "But every once in a while he hurls butter at the zombies! Not only does the butter do as much damage as the cabbage, but it also temporarily freezes the zombie right in its tracks!"

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