Chapter 19

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"I'm sorry; what?!" Minion asked with shock.

"I want those zombies to attack on the roof!" Zomboss repeated. "There's no way they can stop us from there!"

"Forgive me, Master, but are you sure that is such a good idea?"

"Well, it's the only option I have left!"

"Master, how would being on the roof get them into the house?!"

"There's a giant chimney on their roof! It won't be hard for one of the zombies to climb down it and go into the house!"

"But by my calculations, even if we tried launching zombies onto the roof, they'd only reach the front! The chimney is in the back!"

"Then they'll just have to walk a little further!"

"But what about those Plants?"

"Minion, if there's one thing even an imbecile like you knows about plants, it's that they can only be planted in SOIL! And last time I checked, shingles are not made of soil!"

"Well, the ones they have are made of clay; that's kind of like soil!"

"Minion, the longer we argue about this, the less time there is before those humans wake up! Now send the zombies to the roof in the next 5 minutes or I'll shove a pencil in your rotting kidney!!"

"Yes, Master!"

Minion then ran out of the room in the blink of an eye.

Zomboss then just sighed and looked up to the ceiling.

"I just hope this goes as simple as it sounds," he muttered aloud. "But Minion's right; I just know those Plants will make it complicated."

*          *          *

Alex laid in his bed with the light of the rising sun on his face. His eyes were closed, yet he was wide awake. He was listening to the sounds of the birds outside the house. He smiled as their beautiful songs filled his ears. He was really glad the zombies were only after humans.


Alex then suddenly opened his eyes quickly.


Alex then just groaned, got out of bed, and went towards the basement.
When he got down there, he confirmed his suspicions of the source of the plea for help; stuck to the washing machine in the back of the basement was Magnet-Shroom with a worried expression on his face.

"Magnet, this is the 3rd time in an hour you've gotten stuck to something!" Alex told the Plant.

"It's not my fault I'm a walking magnet!" Magnet-Shroom replied. "I can't just avoid every metal thing in the house!"

Alex just sighed and walked to the washing machine. After a little effort, he pulled the Plant off the machine.

"Let's just get you back with the others so you can sleep," he told Magnet.

The mushroom then let out a giant yawn.

"Good idea!" he then replied with tired eyes.

Alex just chuckled as he walked upstairs with the mushroom in his hands. He then walked into the kitchen and pulled open one of the cupboards, revealing the other nocturnal mushrooms calmly sleeping. Alex carefully placed Magnet-Shroom in the cupboard with a smile on his face.

"!" Alex told him.

"Good day!" Magnet-Shroom replied, and he then closed his eyes.

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