Chapter 6

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Alex let out a rather large belch while wiping bacon grease off his mouth.

“Excuse me,” he said. “Man, I haven’t eaten that well since all this went down!”

“That goes for the rest of us,” Josie told him, and Freddy and Crazy Dave nodded in agreement.

“How did you get Sunflower to cook so well?” Freddy asked Dave.

“I mixed the cooking abilities of Paula Dean, Rachel Ray, and Gordon Ramsay all into one!”

“That makes sense,” Josie said with a nod. “What about Peashooter?”

“I didn’t give him anyone’s cleaning abilities; I just gave him an unimaginable amount of OCD!”

“That explains it!” Alex said with a smile.

ERT! ERT! ERT! Another series of siren noises blared throughout the house!

“That was quick,” Freddy said with surprise.

“Well, the undead tend to never rest,” Dave pointed out.

“Well, let’s head down and kick some butt!!” Josie exclaimed. She then sat up and ran downstairs. The boys followed after her.

When they got downstairs, though, the kids stared in shock at the television.

“Where’d all the Peashooters and Sunflowers go?!” Freddy asked with total worry. Sure enough, the screen showed the lawn completely empty!

“That’s the only problem,” Dave admitted. “Since they’re clones, they tend to disappear over time!”

“Are you kidding me?!” Josie exclaimed.

“And also, the sunawatt counter automatically resets the count back to 50,” Dave continued with an embarrassed look. Freddy just groaned.

“Never mind it!” Alex told them all. “We’ll just have to do what we did before!” With that, he sat down in front of the laptop and placed a Sunflower.

Within a minute, he had placed a Peashooter in every row with a Sunflower behind it. After a little while, more zombies than they could handle started appearing.

“What do you say we put these cherries to the test?” Alex asked the others. Without waiting for a response, he picked up Cherry Bomb...and paused.

“They don’t have a flower pot!” he shouted at Crazy Dave.

“Don’t worry!” Dave responded. “There’s a scan pad next to the laptop you can put them on!

Alex turned and saw a black screen lying on the table. He quickly placed Cherry Bomb on it and the screen turned green for a few seconds.

When it turned black again, their picture was on the laptop, right below Peashooter and Sunflower.

Almost instantly, he clicked on their picture and placed in the center of a group of zombies. He then looked at the TV and saw nothing at first, but then he saw Cherry Bomb quickly growing until finally...

POWIE!!! All the zombies in the area suddenly blew up! Alex just chuckled.

“That was sweet!” he exclaimed.

“Uh, guys?” Josie suddenly said with a worried tone. “Look at that!” Alex looked at the TV and saw a zombie with a road cone on its head walking towards the house via the middle row!

“A road cone?” he asked. “That couldn’t possibly protect it, could it?”

The zombie kept walking towards the house. The peas kept hitting it, but that road cone was certainly protecting it a bit! Finally it was in front of a Peashooter! The zombie then pulled the plant out of the ground and started eating it!!

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