Chapter 4

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Alex had the strangest dream that night. It started with him walking in a field somewhere. One sign that it was a dream was the fact it was a field of giant Sunflowers. As he walked in the field, the Sunflowers were turning to stare at him. He was a bit freaked out by that.

As he continued walking, the field finally ended. Standing after that was a giant pond surrounded by trees. And right in front was the back of a young woman. She had long straight blonde hair that reached all the way down to her ankles. She appeared to be wearing a white sleeveless dress with light blue lace.

Alex slowly walked over to her until he was right behind her. He then slowly reached up and touched her shoulder. She then turned her head around and looked at him. What came next was a shock to Alex: it was Josie’s face! The real Josie had dark brown hair that reached down to her shoulder blades, not light blonde hair to her ankles. However, this girl definitely had her face. She then turned all the way around and smiled at him.

“What are you doing here?” she asked. “You’re supposed to be getting ready!”

“For what?” Alex asked. The girl with Josie’s face just chuckled.

“Our wedding, silly!” As soon as she said that, wedding fanfare starting blaring behind him! Alex turned around and saw the Sunflower field was replaced with a giant white gazebo! Standing inside was a man in a black gown that appeared to be holding a bible.

“C’mon, let’s go!” the girl told him, and then proceeded to lock her arm onto his and walk towards the gazebo. All the while, Alex was very confused as to what was going on!

Finally, they made it to the gazebo. Once inside, Alex clearly saw that the man inside was Crazy Dave in a black gown!

“Dearly beloved,” he told the two, “we are gathered here today to celebrate these two in holy matrimony!” And he continued on as if a real wedding was being held!

Finally, Dave said the words most known at a wedding: “You may kiss the bride!” Alex turned towards the girl with Josie’s face and saw she already had her eyes closed and her lips puckered. Without thinking, Alex closed his eyes as well and slowly leaned forward. Just when he felt he was about to kiss her, he got a very strong whiff of...bacon?

Alex opened his eyes up and saw the ceiling of his room. He stared for a few seconds before realizing his lips were still puckered! He quickly sat up and took a deep breath. When he did, he still caught a whiff of bacon!

‘I’m not still dreaming, am I?’ he thought to himself. He turned over to his alarm clock. It was 7:04 AM. Still smelling bacon, he got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Walking down the stairs, he noticed the smell getting stronger. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw Sunflower standing on a giant stool in front of the stove! She appeared to be using her leaves as arms and hands to flip a frying pan every now and then!

Alex knocked on the doorframe and Sunflower turned around and saw him.

“Oh, hey Alex!” she said with a smile. “How would you like your bacon: crispy or greasy?”

“I didn’t know you could cook, Sunflower!” Alex told her. He then paused for a second before replying, “Greasy, please.” She just smiled at him and turned around back at the stove.

“You see, Alex,” she said while flipping the skillet, “Dave didn’t just create us to fight zombies; he did it to help around the house!”


“Yep! I got cooking. Peashooter got cleaning!”

“Are you guys any good at that?” Sunflower then turned around with a piece of bacon in her leaf.

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