Chapter 1

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Picture Of Reagan^^^^^
-Reagan's POV-
I sat on the bench that was next to my window and stared at the people running around. I was turning 16 tomorrow which meant I would find my mate. Instead of me traveling to other packs my parents have decided to throw a big party instead. I sighed and got up, walking towards my closet. I grabbed my towel and my night clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I looked in the mirror and shook my head.
I wasn't the prettiest in the pack. I have really curly, brown hair, freckles sprinkled around my cheeks, and bright blue eyes. Well, they're more silver with a ring of blue on the outside. When I was born I had green and blue eyes is what my mom told me. Then they changed when I learned of my ability.
My mom has a shield she can put up. It's unbreakable. And me? I'm not exactly sure. I was eight when I first used it. I can remember what I did or how I did it. All I know it my eyes changed and that was the day I saved my dads life.
Ever since people have looked at me differently, my family are the only friends I've ever really had.
My aunt Jacklen and Uncle Jaylen are twins. They both found their mates and Aunt Jacklen had twin girls, Katherine and Katiana. Uncle Jaylen has one boy, Zack. They ignore me for the most part, but I'm used to it so I don't really care. My Aunt Carmine has one boy, Andrew. Me and Andrew are close in age. We became really close over the years. Then my brother, Jeremiah. He's currently 8 years old. He looks just like my dad, he acts like him too.
I'm next in line in the Dark Crescent Pack. We have over 1,000 members because when my mother and father met they agreed to join the packs. They chose to keep the name as what my moms pack name was out of respect for my grandfather. He died before I was born, protecting the pack and my Mom. He was very brace from all of the stories I've heard. My grandmother, his wife, died when I was 10. I think it was out of grief. She held on as long as she could, but now she's with her mate. I miss her dearly but I've been okay.
I stripped out of my jeans and sweatshirt and hopped in the shower, washing my hair and shaving my legs. I went dress shopping with my mom yesterday and we picked out a navy blue dress with shiny things around the boob area. It went about mid thigh and was kinda poofy.
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me, picking up my phone as it started to vibrate.
"Hello?" I answered. All I heard was breathing so I hung up. "That was weird." I mumbled to myself as I got dressed. I went back and laid on my bed when my phone rang again.
"Hello??" I answered again. The same breathing continued and I sighed. "Look. This isnt funny. I don't know who you are but stop." I growled into the phone. The breathing stopped and I went to hang up.
"Mine." I heard the voice whisper.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"You'll be mine sweet Reagan. Mine." I hung up and slammed my phone down on the nightstand. I shook my head and laid down.
It's just a joke, I kept repeating in my head. Just a joke. I picked my phone up again and opened up Snapchat. I sent out all of my goodnight streaks and turned on my alarm, rolling over and going to sleep.

I woke up and shot out of bed.
"Dad!" I yelled. "Mom!" I fell to the floor and began to cry.
"Mom!!" I cried out. My dad ran into the room as I heard a pop. I shrieked in pain and tried standing up.
"She's shifting!" My mom yelled as she ran into the room. "Get her outside!"
My dad picked me up and I groaned in pain, yelling as I felt another bone pop.
When my dad reached the woods he laid me down and I squirmed around, trying to make the pain go away.
"It hurts." I whimpered as I shut my eyes, letting the pain knock me out.

I opened my eyes and looked around. Everything seemed bigger, sharper. I tried standing up only to find I had four legs. I looked over and saw my dad had shifted into his wolf. He nudged my side and helped me stand up. I walked around slowly until I got used to having four legs. Then I ran over to the lake that was nearby and looked down. I stumbled backwards as I noticed my bright silver eyes. I was all white but my eyes, they were silver. I shook my head and looked at my dad.
"Just image your human form." He sent through our link I nodded and did as he said, cringing as I felt my bones pop into place. My mom came and handed me clothes, turning away as I got dressed.
"That hurt." I said quietly.
"I know sweetie." My mom said, hugging me. "You did great."
My dad shifted back and put his shorts on.
"I'm proud of you." He pulled me into a hug.
I smiled and walked back to the house with them.

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