Chapter 27

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2 Weeks Later
Damon held up the paper with different shades of pink on it, pointing at the brightest pink on it.
"I like this one." He said.
"Me too. But I was thinking, can we go with purple? It magenta? Something a little less 'basic baby girl' color." I said, picking up a purple sample. "Because even though we're having a girl, I want it to be different, ya know?"
"Yeah. I get it. Purple sounds good. I like the light lavender one." He said.
I looked at it and nodded grabbing it and taking it up to the counter.
After we got two cans of purple paint and one of white we went back to our house and I put the paint in the soon-to-be nursery.

"Damon?" I called, walking downstairs.
"I'm in the kitchen!" He yelled.
I walked into the kitchen and smiled as I watched him trying to make dinner.
"Babe?" I said, walking over and turning the stove off. "You're supposed to boil the spaghetti noodles before adding the sauce."
I giggled as he sighed in defeat and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. 
He laid his head on my shoulder and breathed in.
"I love you Reagan." He whispered.
"I love you too Damon." I snuggled into his chest.
"We're gonna be okay love." He said, kissing my cheek.
"I know, I'll always be okay as long as you're here." I whispered.
He pulled away and put his finger under my chin, tilting my face up and kissing me.
And in that moment I knew it was all gonna be okay, as long as I had him by my side.

"Darren stop!" I yelled, dropping the paint brush into the tray.
"What do you mean?" He yelled back.
"You're getting paint on the windowsills! I need you to be serious!" I yelled, stomping my foot like a child.
"We got white to repaint the windowsills! What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked.
"Just get out." I said, looking away. "I'm going to finish it by myself."
"What?" He asked, looking at me like I was insane. "Baby what's wrong?"
"Nothing wrong Damon. Just go." I said.
He sighed dropped his paint brush, walking out and going down the stairs. I waited until I heard the front door shut before I picked up my brush and continued to paint.

I know I shouldn't of yelled at him. I don't know why I did. I just get so angry over things that don't matter and it's so confusing and I don't want to be mean so I just try to get him to leave so he doesn't have to deal with my grumpiness over absolutely nothing.

I finished painting all of the walls 2 hours after Damon left. I tried to text him but he didn't answer, he blocked me from his mind.
I sat on the couch, waiting for him to come home. Soon 1 hour turned to 2, 2 turned to 3, and 3 turned to 4 when I decided to lay down for a few minutes, just to rest my eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing I was in my room.
I slightly sat up and saw the bathroom light was on. Damon must of came home and brought me up here.
I was just gonna take a very short nap, but apparently very short turned to very long.
I laid back down and shut my eyes as Damon walked back into the room.
"Reagan." He whispered. I didn't answer him and acted like I was asleep. "I know you're asleep and everything. I know you can't hear me. I just wanted to say sorry because I'm scared. I'm scared I'll mess this up. And I know that you being pregnant is going to be an emotional rollercoaster, but I'll ride it with you baby. I'll always be here and I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I was mad, but not at you. At myself. For making you feel upset."
I slowly turned around and sat up as a tear slipped from my eye.
"Damon." I whispered. "It isn't your fault."
I scooted over and into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry too. I don't know why I was so upset. It wasn't your fault, it was mine." I whispered.
He held me tightly and kissed my forehead.
"Baby don't worry." He whispered.
"It'll all be worth it when our baby girl arrives."
"I know." I nodded. "You'll be an amazing dad, our baby girl will absolutely adore you."
"I hope so." He whispered before laying down, but keeping a hold on me the whole time. I shifted so I was half on top of him but he didn't seem to care.
"Why were you sleeping on the couch?" He asked.
"I didn't mean to." I looked up at him. "I just wanted to wait for you, but then I fell asleep."
He smiled softly and kissed me.
"Goodnight Love." He whispered.
"Goodnight." I mumbled before I fell fast asleep.

Hello Lovelies!
This Chapter Is A Little Rough.
But, It's A Girl!
I Think Next Chapter Reagan And Damon Are Going To Decide On Her Name ;)
Thank You All For Sticking With Me Through Everything!
I Love All So Much!
Until Next Time,
❤️"My Heart's Broke, But I've Got Glue."❤️

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