Chapter 13

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Damon's POV
I had been waiting for her to wake up for almost three weeks now.
Jeremiah is all healed up physically, but he has nightmares constantly. Her parents are back to staying in our guest bedroom, waiting for her to wake up. They come visit every morning and every night. For the first week I ate nothing, but then I realized that Raegan would be pissed if she knew I ate nothing. She'd blame herself.

"Damon?" I looked up as the door opened and Everest walked in followed by Matthew and Jeremiah.
"Hey." I mumbled as I looked back to Raegan.
"Here. We brought you cheese grilled." Jeremiah smiled, handing me a plate. I chuckled at him and took the plate.
"You mean grilled cheese?" I laughed as he nodded his head and sat on the bed next to Reagan.
"Thank you guys." I said as I began to eat.
"One more thing Damon." Everest said, scrunching her nose. "After you eat we'll stay here with her, but you need a shower."
I nodded and looked over at Jeremiah as he curled up next to Reagan and fell asleep. The only time he didn't have a nightmare was when he would sleep next to her.
I finished my food and walked back to my house.
I walked up to our room and took a quick shower.
After I got out I slipped on my black joggers and white shirt.
I sat on the bed and sighed. Her smell was faint because she hadn't been in here in so long. I shook my head as I felt tears begin to form in my eyes.
I was so focused on her that he got away. The rogue is out there alive and I have no idea where.
I stood up and grabbed our lamp, hurling it across the room. I was supposed to protect her, this is the second time she's been hurt under my watch. I growled and flipped our nightstand over, turning and punching the wall. I couldn't save my parents, and I can't protect my mate.
I slid to the floor and buried my face in my hands as the tears began to fall.

I stayed there for a good bit when I heard a knock on my door.
"Yeah?" I croaked, not caring who it is.
"Damon." I heard my beta say as the door opened. "Holy shit man." He muttered, closing the door. "You look like shit."
"You Don't look any better." I said, looking at him.
"Well. I don't feel any better." He chuckled. "She's my Luna. I tried to find her, to follow her, but I couldn't pick up her scent. The smell of blood was too much." He sighed, looking away.
"Jacob. I was in the house. It happened under my watch. If I was there then it was my responsibility to protect my mate, but I didn't. Don't blame yourself. She wouldn't want you to." I said. He nodded and smiled.
"She wouldn't like me blaming myself, but she wouldn't like you blaming yourself either." I nodded and stood up.
"I know." I said.
"I have to go check up on training. I'll see you later. Tell me when she's awake?" He said, opening the door.
"Yeah. I'll let you know." I said as he shut the door.
I looked around the room and shook my head. There was broken glass and pieces of wood scattered around the floor along with a whole in the wall.
I began to pick everything up when Everest's voice popped in my head.
"Damon, she's awake." She sent through the mind link. I dropped the glass and ran to the hospital.
I burst into the room and saw Raegan sitting up, looking at Jeremiah.
"Raegan." I said. She looked over at me and stared at me in confusion.
"Damon." Her mom said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "She doesn't remember anything."
"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.
"I mean, she knows she's a werewolf and she knows her name, but she doesn't remember anything else." Her mom whispered. I just nodded and stood there.
"Who are you?" Reagan asked quietly. "Why do you smell so good?"
"I'm your mate." I said. She continued to stare at me as her parents both sat there silently.

Reagan's POV
I opened my eyes and slowly looked around. There was a child laying next to me and two people sitting in shakes next to me.
"What the hell?" I mumbled.
"Reagan!" The woman cried, jumping out of her chair.
"Do I know you?" I asked.
"I'm your mother." She said as tears formed in her eyes. "Do you not remember me?"
"My mother?" I asked quietly "I don't remember anything."
"What do you remember?" She asked me.
"My names Raegan." I said as I heard a voice in my head telling me things. "I'm a werewolf." I looked up. "That's all."
The lady sat back down and laid her head on the guys shoulder, my father I'm guessing.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled, looking down at the kid. "I feel like I know you guys, like I should know you guys. But, I just don't." I said as tears began to form in my eyes.
"I'm Everest, your mother. This is Matthew, your father." My mother said, gesturing to the guy she was leaning on. "That is Jeremiah, your little brother."
I nodded and smiled at the boy. He seemed so peaceful.
"Reagan!" I heard a male voice say as the door swung open. I looked over and stared at him in confusion. He was handsome and he smelled so good. He seemed so familiar, yet I don't know him.
"Damon." My mother spoke as he looked over to her. "She doesn't remember anything."
"What do you mean?" He asked quietly.
"I mean, she knows she's a jwerewolf and she knows her name, but she doesn't remember anything else." My mom whispered to him. He just nodded and stood there, staring at me.
"Who are you?" I asked quietly. "Why do you smell so good?"
"I'm your mate." He said. Even his voice sent chills down my spine. I continued to stare at him as my parents sat there in silence.
"So." I finally spoke. "What the hell happened?" I asked, wanting answers.
Hello Everyone!!
I Hope You All Enjoyed The Chapter, I Decided Things Needed To Be Mixed Up A Bit. She Lost Her Memory! It Was Difficult Writing This Chapter, I Wasn't Sure Where I Was Going To Go With This Until I Began To Write. Sometimes The Words Flow Easily, Other Times Not So Much.
Thank You All For Reading <3
I Love You All!!
Until Next Time,
💕📖"She Reads Books As One Would Breathe Air, To Fill Up And Live"📖💕

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