Chapter 23

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I dropped my bags on the floor and flopped onto the bed.
Damon crawled next to me and pulled me to him.
"I missed you. So much." He mumbled.
"I missed you too." I whispered, smiling softly.
Andrew decided to stay at his pack for now. But he says when he finds his own mate he's leaving.
"Damon?" I said quietly.
I slipped from his grasp when I realized he was asleep and crept to the door, trying not to wake him.

I walked outside and looked around, heading towards the woods.
As I walked through the trees I heard a branch snap and I spun around.
"Hey. It's just me." Jacob said, holding his hands up.
"Oh. Hey." I said.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm better. I'm happy to be home." I smiled.
"That's good. We all missed you." He said.
"How are you doing, Jacob?" I asked.
"Well. Can I walk with you?" He asked, looking away.
"Of course." I said, continuing to walk the other way as he followed.
"I found my mate." He said quietly.
"That's amazing Jacob!" I all but yelled, smiling at him.
"Yeah. I guess it is." He shrugged. "I mean, it'd be even better if she knew."
"What do you mean?" I asked, the smile falling from my face.
"I'm 18. She just turned 15. She still has another year until she finds out." He muttered.
"But that's okay Jacob." I said, trying to reassure him. "You have a whole year to prepare yourself to live with another person, a whole year to plan all the dates, a whole year to prepare for what it'll be like."
"Yeah. I guess that's good, but I don't wanna wait that long." He said.
"Well, try talking to her. She might not know you're her mate, but she'll feel a small connection. And then when she turns 16 you'll be there." I said.
He nodded and looked at me.
"Thank you Reagan." He said, smiling softly.
"Anytime Jacob." I smiled back.
"So where are you going anyways?" He asked.
"Just wandering." I said, looking around. "I like it out here. It's quiet, it gives me time to think and be alone."
"Makes sense, sorry for disrupting your peacefulness." He chuckled.
"Don't be sorry. I'm here for you, it's what friends are for." I said, stopping and looking at him. "Go find her." I said, smiling and gently shoving him.
"I think I will." He smiled, turning around and jogging away.

As I kept walking I began to think about my future with Damon.
And after a little bit of thought, I decided I was ready. I wanted to completely be Damons. I want to have a family with him, I want to grow old with him. I smiled and turned around, beginning to run home.

When I got home I ran inside and upstairs.
"Damon!" I yelled, bursting into our room. He jumped up and looked around, but I jumped on him and knocked him down. "It's okay!"
"Reagan? Are you okay?" He asked, checking me up and down for injuries.
"I'm better than okay!" I smiled. "What do you want for dinner?"
"Whatever you want to make is fine Princess. Why so happy?" He asked suspiciously.
"Because. I missed you and I'm happy to be home." I said, kissing him before jumping up and running downstairs.

I ran to the kitchen and jumped onto the counter, pulling the book of recipes my mom gave me down from the top shelf and jumping down.
I flipped through the pages until I saw a picture of this chicken and noodle stuff.
I read over it and began to grab the stuff.
After starting to boil the noodles I cut up the chicken and put it on a pan to cook it.
When the noodles were done I strained them and put them in a bowl followed by the chicken and then this cream of broccoli soup stuff, stirring it all together.
"Damon!" I called, grabbing two plates and forks.
"I put the bowl on the table and sat down as he came down the steps.
"It smells good." He smiled. I smiled back and handed him his plate.
I scooped out some of the food onto my plate and started eating quickly.
"What's the rush Princess?" Damon chuckled.
"I'm just hungry." I said around a mouthful of noodles. He laughed and shook his head, beginning to eat.
Before he had taken two bites I had finished and put my plate in the sink, running up stairs and into our room.
I shut the door and locked it, going into the closet and pushing my shoes away to reveal the bag of Victoria Secret stuff.
I pulled out a pair of lacy black underwear and the matching bra before going into the bathroom.
After I showered and shaved and stuff I slipped the underwear on and unlocked the door.
"Damon!" I yelled, running over and jumping into bed, throwing the covers over me.
"Yes?" He said, opening the door.
I froze for a second as I looked at him.
I definitely didn't think this through.
I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I looked at him.
"Princess? What's wrong?" He asked, walking towards me.
"Well. Uh. This was supposed to uh. Be cuter." I stuttered, looking everywhere except at him. "But Damon. I want to be yours. Fully." I said, hoping he'd understand.
He looked at me for a second and then his eyes got wide.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said quietly, throwing the blankets off of me.
He nodded and came over to me.
"I love you Damon. Always." I said.
"I love you too Reagan. Forever." He said.
And then he showed me he loved me.

Sooooo, What Do You Guys Think?
They're Finally Fully Mated :)
I'll Update Again As Soon As I Can!
Thank You Guys For Reading!!
I Love You All!!
Until Next Time,
❤️💭"Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart So Better Things Can Fall Together"💭❤️

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