Chapter 4

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Picture Of Andrew^^
I had packed my bags in the morning and now I was waiting to leave. I went to my mom and hugged her tight.
"I'll call and you can come visit and I'll be back. A lot." I promised.
"I love you Reagan. You'll be a great leader." She said, kissing my cheek.
"I love you too." I said, walking to my dad.
"You'll be an amazing Queen. But you'll always be my little girl." He said. "I love you Reagan. I'll see you later." He said, kissing the top of my head.
"I love you too." I said.
"Reagan!" Jeremiah ran over. "Can I come with you?" He asked.
"Not this time buddy. But next time. I'll bring you and you can stay with me for a few days." I smiled. He nodded and hugged me.
"Behave Jeremiah. No more fights." I said. "I love you." I kissed his forehead.
"I'll be good as long as you remember that you're the specialest person. You're a queen." He whispered into my ear. "Ignore everyone. Me and you know the truth." I nodded and smiled.
"I will Jer." He smiled and nodded, pulling away.
"Ready?" Damon asked. I nodded and grabbed my suitcase. "Thank you. For your hospitality and for having your amazing daughter." Damon said to my parents. They both smiled and nodded.
"Be good to her son." My dad said.
"You know I will." He said, smiling at me. I blushed and looked away.

We walked out to his black truck and put our stuff in. I opened my door and took a deep breath. I had to jump. I'm only 5'4. I sighed and got ready to jump when I felt Damons hands wrap around my waist. He laughed and lifted me in.
"Thanks." I muttered, feelings my cheeks heat up.
"Anytime Princess." He chuckled, getting in on his side.
"You need a smaller truck." I muttered.
"You need longer legs." He shot back. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes.
"Ya rudeness." I said. He laughed as he started the truck and began driving.

"It's about an hour away." He announced after being in the car for 30 minutes. I nodded and kept playing on my phone.
"Why long sleeves? It's hot outside?" He asked. I kept looking at my phone and shrugged my shoulders. I knew the reason. But I didn't want to tell him.
"I just like this shirt." I said quietly. He nodded and reached over, taking my hand in his. I smiled softly and put my phone down. I looked out the window as we continued to drive.
"What's this?" He asked suddenly, pulling my sleeve up with his one hand. I tried retracting my arm but he held on tight. He pulled onto the side of the road and continued to pull up my sleeve.
"They're mainly scars." I whispered quietly.
"But Princess why?" He asked, letting go of my hand. I looked at him and sighed.
"My whole life Damon. I've been told I'm not good enough. No one loves me. When I was 14 some boy at school asked me out. I told him no. I knew it was a joke. They were messing with me. So he got mad. He threw me to the floor and kicked me over and over again. And then he took something of mine" I whimpered, remembering the day all too clearly. "He told me that no guy would want to be my mate. That I was used and worthless. I felt numb. So I cut myself, hoping to feel something. Once I started I didn't stop."
"When was the last time?" He asked quietly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"The day before my birthday." I whispered.
"What did he take?" Damon asked.
I looked away and shook my head. He leaned over, unblocked my seatbelt and pulled me to his lap.
"What did he take?" He asked again.
I looked him in they eyes as tears spilled down my face.
"My virginity." I whispered. I saw his eyes go dark and the tears fell from his eyes. He put his head down and held me tighter.
"You're with me now. No one will ever hurt you again." He said with anger in his voice.
"I'm sorry." I said, burying my face in his chest.
"Don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry." He whispered, kissing my cheek. I nodded and shut my eyes, letting the drowsiness pull me into a sleep.

-Reagan's Dream State-
I woke up but I wasn't in Damons arms. I was in a field. There were white flowers everywhere. I looked down and I was in an all white dress.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Hello my dear." I looked over and there was a woman sitting there. She was wearing a dress similar to mine. She had long, white hair and pale skin.
"Where am I? Where's Damon?" I asked.
"I called you here in your dream darling. We need to talk." She said in an angelic voice.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm the Moon Goddess." She said, smiling. "We need to talk. Please, sit." She gestured to the chair in front of her. I did as she said and sat down.
"A long time ago. When the wolf race had started. I was about your age." She began. "There were bad people in the world, so a witch put a curse on them. Turning them wolves. They could only become human on full moons. The only way to break this curse was to find their other halves, their mate. The witch gave them each a mate. They were told that if they could find their mate, and get their mate to love them for who they are, the curse would be lifted. One night I was out, wandering around the forest when a wolf jumped from the bushes. I was terrified. I yelled for my parents. But I was too far. The wolf jumped on me, biting my arm. I was prepared to die when another wolf jumped from the bushes, knocking the wolf off of me.  I tried to run but I fell, I was in so much pain. I hid behind a tree listening to the snarling of the wolves. Then it all stopped. I slowly turned around and their was the wolf that had saved my life, watching me. He licked my arm and the wound healed. I was terrified, but at the same time I felt comfortable around the wolf. I was drawn to him. So every night I would meet him in that spot. I would sit and pet him. Tell him of my problems. I felt like I was crazy. But I was just so drawn to him. Then the full moon came. And I watched as my wolf turned into a man. I tried to run. But he begged me to wait. So I let him explain. Then he reached out to me. And I felt the sparks. We were mates. And then I knew that I loved him. He next day he remained a human and I knew I had broken his curse. But we soon realized that there was a side effect. Once we mated, I shifted. I didn't know what was happening. So he took me to the witch. She explained there was a side effect. Although he isn't always a wolf, he still has the wolf in him. His inner wolf. When we became mates, I was also turned into a werewolf. That's how it all began. Since I was the first mate that had been discovered, I was named the moon goddess. That gives me power. A lot of it. I gave you're mother her power. And I've given you your power. I see things in the future. Bad things will begin to happen Reagan. And I've chosen you to be the one to protect the wolf race. You are the white wolf Reagan. The rogues have become out of control. They are the problem. They've all become evil, set on destroying pack life. But without packs we have no structure. So you will use your powers to help me. You've been given the power to move things with your mind. You'll soon discover you can manipulate people's mind darling. You've been given a great deal of power, with it comes a great deal of responsibility. Be careful darling. You'll make enemies. But keep your head up. You're above them." She smiled. I nodded and I began to feel tired.
"Until next time my darling." She said as everything went black.

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