Chapter 3

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Picture Of Jeremiah^^
After I had introduced Damon to my family I decided to head to bed. When I got upstairs I put on my shorts and sports bra and some sneakers. I jumped out of my window and snuck into the woods behind my house. I took off running.
I loved running, especially in the forest. The forest was my favorite place to go. I jumped over tree roots and dodged the low branches, slowing down when I got near the lake. In the middle of the forest there was a huge lake. I often say out here and watched the water, I would sometimes sit in a tree and watch as the deer and ducks would come and go. It was my quiet place. I sighed and sat down, grabbing some pebbles and skipping them across the water.
I was sitting there when I heard a branch break. I shot up and spun around, coming face to face with a rogue. I growled and stood tall.
"What are you doing on my land." I growled.
"Sweet Reagan." He chuckled. I growled at him and backed up, recognizing the voice on the phone.
"I need help." I sent through the mind link to my dad.
"I'm coming." My dad shot back.
"Leave me alone." I snarled as he took a step forward.
"Sweet Reagan." He repeated. I growled and got ready to shift. He just shook his head and smiled.
His smile dropped as black wolf jumped out of the bushes, landing on top of him. I shrieked and stumbled backwards. Soon after I saw my dads wolf jump from the bushes and he ran towards me. He shifted and put his shorts on, helping me up.
"Let's go." He said.
"But Dad! Him!" I pointed to the black wolf.
"He's the king. I'm sure he can take care of himself." I nodded and began to run home with my dad.
"Where's Damon?" I asked when we got into the house.
"He's back there. Fighting for his queen." My dad said. I cocked my head to the side, confused.
"Reagan. You're mated to the King Of Wolves." My dad said slowly.
"So he's back there!!" I yelled. "I left my mate!" I turned to the door and ran to the woods, shifting. My dad followed but I took off to the lake.
I shot through the trees and skidded to a halt. I growled as the rogue pulled out a gun, aiming it for my mate.
I shifted and threw on my clothes.
"Say goodnight Pup." The rogue snickered.
"No!" I yelled, holding up my hands. I felt a jolt of energy run down my arms and through my finger tips. I heard the bang of the gun, but the bullet never reached Damon. Instead, I watched as the bullet stopped and flew backwards. The rogue had moved and looked at me in shock. Before anyone could act he turned and shifted into a brown wolf, bolting into the woods. I fell to the ground, looking at my hands.
I watched as Damon got up, shifting and throwing on shorts. He had claw marks all over his chest.
"I did that." I whispered before everything went black.

I woke up and looked around slowly. I got out of bed and opened my door.
"Oh shit!" I jumped back as someone fell backwards. "You're awake!" I giggled as I saw it was Damon. He had been leaning on my door 
"What are you doing ya big doof?" I asked.
"I was waiting for you to wake up." He said, getting up. "I'm so glad you're okay." He wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest and smiled.
"Hey Damon?" I pulled away. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what?" He asked.
"That you're the King."
"Well princess. I thought you knew." He chuckled.
"I don't normally pay much attention in school." I giggled. He shook his head and laughed at me.
"Come on Princess." He grabbed my hand, leading me downstairs.
Jeremiah came running over and jumped on me.
"Hey Jer." I giggled, putting him down.
"Ray!" He yelled. "Your eyes look prettier." He smiled. I smiled back and kissed his forehead. I knew that things had changed. I figured out what I do. Nothing will be the same now. I shook my head and pushed those thoughts to the back of my head.
"Your friends are waiting outside." I smiled, nudging him towards the door.
He ran outside and went to his friends.
"You're eyes have gotten more gray." Damon whispered. I nodded and walked into the kitchen.
"Oh Reagan." My mom muttered, walking to me. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, pulling me into a hug.
"It's okay mom. It isn't your fault. It's okay." I smiled. She nodded and let me go, walking back to the stove.
I walked with Damon to the living room and sat on the couch.
"Hey Reagan." Damon said. "We have to leave tomorrow night. I can't leave my pack alone." He said. I nodded and sighed. It was going to be hard to leave my family.
"I'll pack tonight." I smiled. He nodded and kissed my cheek. We sat their in silence for few minutes when I heard yelling outside. I jumped up and ran out front.
"Jeremiah!" I yelled, running over and pulling him off of one of the other boys.
"What are you doing?" One of the boys helped their very injured friend. I recognized the boy as Serena's little brother. Serena was one of the girls who would constantly pick on me in school.
"Are you okay Ian?" I asked the little boy. He just scoffed and wiped the blood that was pouring from his nose. I grabbed Jeremiahs arm and took him inside where my mom and dad were waiting, giving him their look of 'what the hell is wrong with you?'
"What were you thinking?" My dad asked in a furious tone. Damon stood to the side and kept quiet.
"You can ground me." Jeremiah said, standing tall. "But if I could go back, I'd only hit him harder." I gasped and my dad shook his head.
"Why Jer?" I asked.
"Because he told me you were a freak of nature." He said with tears in his eyes. "He said you were a sorry excuse of a wolf. And that his sister told him that you didn't deserve a mate like Damon. That you were weak and a disgrace." My parents eyes softened as Damon growled.
"Look buddy. I understand why. Thank you for sticking up for me. But Jer. I'm different. People don't accept me for it. I've dealt with the bullies my whole life. I've heard things that have made me question my place in this pack. I've gone through a lot of things that no one should ever have to go through. But I've learned to deal with it. So thank you. But please, don't get in trouble over me." I said quietly. He looked at me and shook his head.
"They're all wrong." He said. "You're better than all of them Reagan. You're a queen." He looked at me with tears streaming down his face. I sat on the floor and pulled him to me. He wrapped his arms around me and cried.
"I love you Jer. It's okay." I whispered.
"I love you too Ray." He said. I kissed his forehead and sat there holding him. "It'll all be okay." I whispered to him, hoping I was right.

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