Chapter 24

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The next morning I got up and went downstairs, looking for Damon.
In the kitchen there was a note on the fridge.
Get dressed and meet me at the pack house. Bring a swimsuit. I love you.
I smiled and went back upstairs.
I went ahead and put on my black swimsuit and then put on my teal dress over top.
I walked along the path to the pack house and saw Jacob on the porch.
"How are you?" I asked, walking over to him.
"I'm good." He smiled. "I'm waiting on Myha. I promised her I'd take her to the store."
"Myha? Your mate?" I asked.
"Yeah." He nodded. "She still doesn't know. But she says she feels a connection. She just wants to wait to see if she finds her mate before getting into a relationship."
I smiled at him and nodded.
"I told you so." I laughed, walking into the pack house.

"Hey." I said, walking into Damon's office.
"Hey princess. You ready?" He asked, standing up.
I nodded and smiled as he kissed me, grabbing my hand and leading me back outside.
We walked through the woods in silence, but it was a comfortable silence.
"Here." I said, handing him his swim shorts when we got to the pond.
He's already seen me undressed so I just took my clothes off and put my swimsuit on as he did the same.
I ran to the pond and jumped into the water, swimming to the waterfall.
"Damon!" I called. "Look!"
He dawn over and I pointed to the little fish swimming around.
"They're so cute." I giggled.
He laughed and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you." He said.
"For what?" I asked.
"For being you." He smiled.
I smiled and looked away as my face turned red.
"I love you Reagan Grace Stone." He said, gently kissing me.
"And I love you Damon Shane Light." I smiled.
I quickly kissed his cheek before turning Going under the waterfall, swimming away from him.
I heard him laugh as he followed me.

We spent the rest of the day at the pond. It's my favorite spot now.
When we go there it's just us, it's like nothing could go wrong.
But I soon saw that I was wrong.

"Luna!" Jacob yelled, running over to us as we sat on a log with our feet in the water.
I jumped up and looked at him.
"Luna. It's your mom." He said quietly.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Your dad is here. But your mom. She isn't." He whispered.
I looked at Damon and then back at Jacob before taking off into the woods.
I ran all the way back home and saw my dad and Jeremiah sitting on the porch, tears streaming down both of their faces.
"Dad?" I croaked, tears falling down my face as well.
"Oh Reagan. Come here." He said quietly, holding his hand out. I slowly walked over and sat down next to him.
"Your mom. She was sick." He said. "But she didn't tell anyone. Not even me. So this morning. I woke up and made breakfast. I went to wake her up, but I couldn't get her to wake up. I tried, so hard. But she wouldn't open her eyes."
I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.
"It's okay dad." I whispered.
After sitting there we got up and my dad went for a walk while I took Jeremiah inside to get something to eat.
"Ray." I heard Jeremiah whisper.
"Yeah?" I asked, looking at him.
"Dad says Mom is gone." He whimpered. "That she isn't coming back. But I need her to come back."
"I know Jer. I need her too." I whispered, pulling him to me. "But Jer. Always remember this, Mom loved you. She loved me. She loved everyone. But it was time for her to go. She'd done all she could for us, but she was tired hun. She needed to go to sleep, and even if she isn't here," I gestured to the empty room we were in, "she will always be here." I put my hand on his chest, right over his heart.
He nodded and collapsed into my arms.
So I held him. I held him until he fell asleep. Then I carefully picked him up and took him upstairs and into my room. I laid him down and tucked the covers over him, kissing his forehead as tears continued to fall down my face.

I walked down stairs and into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself and all I saw was how much I looked like her.
"Fuck!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the mirror. I ignored the pain that exploded in my hand and did it again. I grabbed the soap bottle and hurled it across the room, watching it bust against the wall. I fell the floor and put my face in my hands as I sobbed.

"Reagan." Damon said, walking over to me. "Come her princess." He picked me up and carried me into the kitchen.
"Damon." I mumbled. "She's gone. And I didn't even get to say goodbye."
"I know Princess. I know how it feels to lose someone." He said quietly, taking a cloth and cleaning the blood from my hand before wrapping it.
He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his shoulder, crying until I couldn't cry anymore.
He picked me up and carried me into the living room, sitting on the couch.
I laid my head against his chest and listened to his heart beat until I fell asleep.
Hey Guys!!
Thank You All For Baring With Me Through All Of This!
I Love You All So Much!
Until Next Time,
🥀"We Grew Into The People We Swore We'd Never Be"🥀

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