Chapter 16

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"Ray!" Jeremiah yelled, running into my room.
I jumped out of bed and looked around cautiously.
"Tell him to stop!" He yelled, pointing to Damon as he walked into the room.
I shook my head and flipped back into bed.
"Damon." I groaned. "Leave him alone." I said.
It's been two weeks and so far I've realized that Damon is as much of a kid as Jeremiah is. They both run around the house, they both eat all of the food in this house, they both argue constantly.
"I didn't even do anything!" Damon said, throwing his hands in the air. I glared at him and he crossed his arms.
"Stop pouting ya big baby." I giggled. A smile made its way onto his face as he shook his head at me.
"Come one Ray." Jeremiah said, grabbing my hand and pulling me from the bed.
I followed them downstairs and looked at the time.
"You Guys let me sleep past noon?" I asked.
"You needed sleep ray." Jeremiah said, continuing to tug me towards the kitchen.
He stopped me in front of the stove and let go.
"Now. Breakfast!" He pointed at the stove.
"Needy child." I muttered, grabbing stuff for pancakes as Jeremiah clapped his hands and ran out of the kitchen.

"We're going to have your ceremony tomorrow night." Damon said as we ate our pancakes.
"Okay." I nodded.
"I'll take you both shopping today and we can get you a dress." He pointed at me. "And you a suit." He pointed at Jeremiah. We both nodded at him and finished our pancakes.
I took Jeremiah upstairs and gave him a pair of shorts and a shirt to put on.
"You don't have to wear a jacket. It's getting warm again." I said. He nodded and took the clothes from me.
"What's wrong Jer?" I asked, grabbing his arm.
"Nothing." He muttered, keeping his head down.
"Jer. You have to talk to me." I said. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and dropped his clothes.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"For what?" I asked.
"For bothering you guys. For keeping you up at night. For being needy." He said quietly.
"Oh baby no." I said, pulling him to me. "I love having you here. You're my baby brother. I love you more than anything. You don't bother us. Honestly, I keep myself up most nights. And when I said needy I didn't mean it like that. I love you and I'm glad you're here with me." I said. He nodded and held on to me tightly.
"I love you too." He whispered as he clung to me.
I kissed the top of his head and sat down, pulling him onto my lap.
"All of this is my fault. Don't ever blame yourself." I whispered to him.
"No. " he said, pulling away. "It's that bad mans fault. It's not your fault ray. Don't say that. Don't think it is. Please. Be happy. You deserve to be happy. It isn't your fault. You can't blame yourself for everything." He said.
I nodded and kissed his cheek.
"I know baby." I said as tears spilled down my face.

After he calmed down he went to the bathroom to get a shower and I went into my room to do the same.
I smiled softly to myself as I put on a pair of jeans and my black shirt. He's right. I need to be happy.

"This one. I like this one." Damon said, holding up a dress. I shook my head and giggled. It was all black and went down to my feet with long sleeves and a lace turtle neck thing.
"You only want it because it covers me fully." I said, shaking my head at him. He sighed and went to put it back.

After searching the racks for a few more minutes Jeremiah came running over. We had bought him a little black suit with a white tie.
"This one!" He yelled, holding up a dress.
It was all white with a sparkly silver belt thingy wrapped around the waist. I smiled and took it from him.
"Thank you." I said. He nodded and followed me as I went to try it on.
I came out with it on and looked at my self in the mirror.
"Stunning." Damon said, coming behind me and kissing my cheek.
I looked away as my face heated up. He chuckled and backed away.
"I think this one." I said, smiling as he nodded.

After buying the dress we went back to Damon's truck and got in.
"Now. Anywhere else we need to go?" He asked. I shook my head while Jeremiah nodded.
"And where would that be?" Damon asked him.
"Ice Cream!!" He yelled. I giggled and nodded.
"I agree with the kid." I said. Damon smiled and nodded.
"I also agree with the kid." He said, driving towards the ice cream place.

"Do you want Cookie Dough? Or Mint Chocoalte Chip? Or what?" Damon asked Jeremiah as he looked at the options.
"I just want the mint chip." I said. Damon nodded.
"I know babe." He said. I smiled and went to a table.
Damon brought back my ice cream along with his while Jeremiah carried his.
"Cookie dough." I said raising my eyebrows at Jeremiah. He nodded and smiled. I took my spoon and scooped a bite of his as he shrieked.
"Nooo!" He pulled his ice cream back. I put the ice cream in my mouth and smiled at him, holding mine towards him. He took a bite of mine and then we looked at Damon. He just shook his head at us.
"Ew. Vanilla." Jeremiah said, scrunching his nose at Damons ice cream.
"No." I whispered. "Damons tricky. He likes his ice cream to himself."
Jeremiah looked at me and I smiled.
"Watch." I said as I quickly stuck my spoon in his.
"See." I said, pointing to the peanut butter cups that were hidden in the middle. "He's tricky."
Jeremiah giggled as Damon glared at me playfully. I just laughed and continued to eat my ice cream.

After finishing our ice cream we went back home and all sat in the living room.
"What time tomorrow?" I asked Damon.
"Two 'o clock." He said. I nodded and laid across his lap as he played with my hair.
Hello Lovelies!!
Thank You All Again For Reading, I Love You All!
What Did You Guys Think?
Let's Just Hope The Ceremony Goes As Planned ;)
She Never Has Luck With These Events.
Until Next Time,
"Why Be The Sun, When You Can Be The Moon That Brightens The Darkest Hours"🌙💕
I Love You All!

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