Chapter 28

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2 Months Later
I smiled as I placed my hand over the very noticeable bump that was my baby.
I have about a month, maybe a little less, until she'll get here.
We pained the whole room and got the furniture along with a little rug for the floor and some things we hung up on the walls and sat on top of the dresser and shelf
We decided on a matching wooden, brown set with a crib, changing table, dresser, a shelf, and rocking chair.
Myha, Jacobs mate, has become a friend of mine and insists we have a baby shower.
So she's planning that while I sit at home all day and but baby clothes online since Damon won't let me leave the house.
So far I have bought three drawer fulls of clothes, 6 winter coats, multiple little hats, and 4 pairs of sandals, 3 pairs of little boots, and 4 pairs of little sneakers.

I had been sitting on the couch for awhile with my laptop, looking at more clothes when I heard the front door open.
"Reagan?" Damon called.
"Living room!" I yelled.
I heard his footsteps walk into the room and I looked up.
"Hey Princess, how are you?" He asked.
"I'm good." I smiled. "I bought more clothes."
"Jesus Christ baby. I think she'll have enough stuff.
I shrugged and giggled before putting a serious face on and looking at him.
"We have to decide on her name." I said, flopping on the couch.
"I had some ideas!" Damon ran over and flopped down beside me.
"Shoot." I said, smiling at his excitement.
"Braelynn, Aspen, and Hadley." He said.
I nodded and thought about them.
"What about Hadley Lynn Light?" I asked.
"I like Hadley, not Lynn." He said.
"Okay. Umm. Hadley Aspen Light?"
He shook his head as we sat there in thought.
"Makenna." He said. I smiled and nodded.
"Now what about her middle name?" I asked.
"Ummm. Can I just go ahead and retire?" He chuckled.
I giggled and shook my head.
"Okay. I got one." He said. "Makenna Rose Light."
"Yes!" I yelled, jumping up and clapping.
He shook his head and laughed at my child like behavior before pulling me onto his lap.
He laid his hand over my stomach and kissed my cheek.
"I love you both." He said, smiling softly.
"I love you too." I laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes.

"Hey. Baby wake up." Damon gently shook me.
"Huh?" I asked, sitting up.
"Myha called and said Jacob needs our help dealing with a neighboring pack." He said.
I nodded and stood up.
I was wearing my sweatpants and tank top so I just slipped on my vans.
As we walked over Damon kept his arm around my waist and looked at me a lot.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm just making sure you're okay." He mumbled.
I giggled at his protectiveness and leaned into him.

We walked into the pack house and it was silent.
"What the he-" Damon was cut off when the lights turned on and everyone jumped out.
"Surprise!" They yelled.
I smiled and looked at all the decorations hung up.
"Congrats Luna." Myha came up, smiling.
"You plan quick." I giggled.
She nodded and took my hand, pulling me into the giant dining room.
"Everyone got you guys little presents, but we all pitched in for the big thing. So let's begin!" She said.
I smiled and hugged her.
"Thank you Myha." I smiled. "And thank you all too for everything."
"There's a bunch of food in the kitchen, drinks on the table, and the living room is filled with the presents." She said before disappearing to find Jacob.

"This is nice." Damon said as we ate with everyone else.
The food was really good and it was nice seeing everyone enjoy themselves.
I nodded and smiled.

Myha dragged me into the living room as everyone crowded in, making me sit on the couch with Damon.

It took us about an hour to go through all of the stuff.
There was diapers, bottles, formula, binky's, more clothes, shoes, blankets, and stuffed animals.
"Thank you all so much." I said, wiping my eyes as tears collected in them.
Damon said his thanks and we stood up.
"Wait! There's still the big thing!" Myha yelled, squeezing through the crowd.
She had us follow her outback and back to our house.
"So. We were all thinking, wondering what to get you guys. And we were thinking you guys would probably have more kids. And you would need more room. So, there's actually two big things."
"What is it?" Damon asked, looking around.
"First. Our front. Second, outback." She said. We followed her out front and we both stopped in our tracks.
"We figured you might need something to suit your family, something a small child can get into with having to leap." She said, giving Damon a pointed look.
There was a black SUV parked there with a big bow on it.
We walked over and Damon opened the door, looking around.
There was a car seat already in the back seat along with some baby toys.
"I don't know what to say." I said quietly, looking at everyone who had gathered around us.
"Don't say anything. You guys deserve it." Jacob smiled.
I nodded as I felt tears fall down my face and Damon pulled me to him.
"Don't cry yet!" Jacob yelled, "there's one more thing."
He lead us to the back yard where there were people standing.
"We've already paid for it, but they're going to build an addition on to the house. It'll take about a week. It's gonna be a screened room with chairs and things for you to sit in, along with a play set out here so you guys can sit in here and watch her play out there." Jacob explained.
"Thank you all. So much. For everything." I said, looking at everyone as they smiled at us.
"I couldn't ask for a better pack to be the alpha of, I really couldn't." Damon said, smiling. "Thank you all for everything you've done, not only today, but everything you guys do to help this pack."
Everyone cheered and they looked happy.
And that's all I could ask for, a happy pack, a happy mate, and a happy child.
Hello Lovelies!!!
What Do You Think Of Her Name?
Makenna Rose Light.
So, I Have About Three More Chapters Planned And Then This Book Will End.
There Definitely Will Be Another Book Written.
I Will Also Be Writing A Spin-Off To My Other Book, The Alpha's Reject.
Thank You All For The Support Throughout This Series, I Love You All!
Until Next Time,
"I Said I Was Fine, I Never Said It Didn't Hurt"

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