Chapter 21

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I must have fallen asleep last night. I picked up my phone and saw no messages from Damon.
I grabbed my black shorts and white tank top and went into the bathroom.
I took a shower and got dressed before walking downstairs.
"Damon?" I called out, hoping he was here. I sighed when there was no response and went into the kitchen.
I grabbed a pop tart and sat down. It was so empty here without Jeremiah.
And Damon. I wanted him here, but at the same time I'm glad he's not.
I thought you were my mate
Those words kept replaying in my mind. It hurt. The way he glared at me, the words that came from his mouth. They hurt a lot.
I would always ignore what the people from school said to me, I'd try to not let it get to me. But hearing those words from Damon, it hurt more than I'm willing to admit.
After I finished my pop tart I walked outback and into the woods. I followed the path to the place we had our first date.
I sat by the pond and looked around. It's so lonely without him here.
I stared at my reflection in the water as tears slid down my face. I felt so sad, but I don't know why. He's been gone for a day but it feels like years since I last saw him.
After sitting there for awhile I got up and slowly walked back home.
I texted Damon again and threw my phone on the counter. I just want to know he's safe.

I sat on the couch and put in a movie, grabbing a bag of chips and my tea.
This was boring. Without Damon to cuddle with there's no point in watching a movie. I groaned and got up, grabbing my phone again.
I went to text Damon when I heard a knock on the door.
I walked over and flung the door open, hoping it was Damon.
"Oh hey. It's you." I said, backing away from the door so Jacob could come in.
"Oh wow. Don't act so excited." He chuckled, walking in.
"I'm sorry. I thought you were Damon, well I was hoping you were." I sighed.
"First. Why would Damon knock?" He asked, trying not to laugh. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "Second. That's why I'm here. He's okay. He contacted me letting me know he's going to be back tomorrow. And uh, Tyler's been taken care of. He asked me to tell you that."
"What the fuck!" I yelled. "Of course he'd make you tell me that! I've been worried about him, texting him, calling him, trying to mind link him! But no answer. And he tells you!" I threw my hands up in frustration and flopped down on the couch. "Oh yeah. That's right. He's questioning if I'm his mate. No wonder he doesn't care how I feel." I mumbled.
"He didn't mean it." Jacob said. "He just get angry and says things he doesn't mean. It happens a lot."
"So what?" I said, standing up. "He gets angry. He yells at me. Says the most hurtful thing you could say to your mate. But I'm not supposed to worry because why? Because he didn't mean it? Because he doesn't think before he says things when he's angry?" I growled. "Because that doesn't work for me! He can't just decide when he wants to be here and when he doesn't! He can't just decide that he needs time without even texting me to let me know he's okay! This shit doesn't work like that!"
Jacob stood up and nodded. "I know Reagan. I'm sorry that he's like this." He said quietly, walking to the door and leaving.
I picked up the lamp closest to me and hurled it across the room. I sat on the couch and just stared at the ceiling. He can't just decide when he wants to be in my life.
I shook my head as I felt the tears build up. Not this time. I can't keep crying over everything.
I walked upstairs and put on my sweatpants and tank top before laying in bed. Mates suck.

I got up the next morning and went downstairs. I stopped at the kitchen door and stared at Damon. He must've gotten back late last night I guess.
"Want anything?" He asked.
"I don't want anything from you." I growled. He looked at me and nodded.
I went to the fridge and grabbed a cheese stick, sitting at the table and eating it.
"I'm sorry." He finally said. I looked at him and shook my head.
"Two days." I said. "You were gone two days. I was worried. I didn't know what to do. I texted you. You ignored me. I called. You sent me to voicemail. I tried mind linking. You blocked me out. I didn't know what was happening with you until Jacob told me. You contacted him first. Then he tells me you're okay that you'll be home soon!" I yelled, standing up so abruptly that the chair went crashing to the floor. "You left, you just left me here! I didn't know where you were, how long you'd be gone, if you were okay! You left me Damon."
"I know. I don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry." He muttered.
"Save your apologies for someone who cares." I growled, walking to the door.
"That's what makes me so mad!" He yelled. I turned around and glared at him as he threw his hands in the air. "The way you talk to me like that, the way it's like you have no respect for me, the way you act like you don't want to be in this relationship, like you don't want to be with me!"
"Don't you dare twist this on me!" I yelled back. "You left! You're the one who acts like you don't want this! Because you know what Damon? We argue, it's normal. But I always cool down in my room or let you know I'll be back before I leave for a few hours! I don't just leave for two days without telling you if I'm even alive!" I shook my head as tears threatened to spill for my eyes. "This is stupid Damon, this is really stupid."
"What is?" He asked.
"All of it." I muttered, storming up to our room.
I grabbed my phone and dialed my moms number, sitting on the bed.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Mom." I said quietly as the tears began to flow down my face.
"Baby, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.
"Can I come home?" I asked.
"Of course baby. Of course." She said.

After hanging up I grabbed a bag from the closet and started putting my clothes in. He doesn't want me here, I have to go.
I walked downstairs and grabbed the keys to my car.
"Where are you going?" Damon asked, walking out of the kitchen.
"Home." I said quietly, looking at him. His eyes were red and puffy and I could see the tear streaks in his face.
"But. This is home." He whispered.
"Not right now it's not." I said, turning towards the door.
"I love you. Always." He said. I just nodded and walked to my car, throwing my bags in and heading home.
Hmm. Well Guys, What Did You Think? How Long Will She Go Home For?
Is This Book Okay So Far?
I Was Thinking And Realized, Reagan And Damon Are Supposed To Be King And Queen Of Wolves.. Is This How It Should Be? Because They're Only Running Their Own Pack So Far And It Hasn't Been Mentioned At All.
Just Let Me Know What You Guys Think!
Thank You All For The Support!
I Love You All!!!
Until Next Time,
❤️"She Often Sat And Wondered Why It Was So Hard For Their Love To Be Easy"❤️

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