Chapter 6

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- 1 Week Later -
I woke up and looked around, realizing Damon wasn't in bed. I sighed and climbed out of bed. He hadn't been around much this past week. Jacob is going with me to the mall today so I can get a dress and some stuff to decorate the house with. Damon is making me go to some pack cookout tomorrow so he can introduce me as Luna. I didn't really want to but he's making me.
I put on my black shorts and a white shirt that went a little bit above my belly button. I put on my white converse and went downstairs. I grabbed a cheese stick out of the fridge and went to the pack house to find Jacob.

"Jacob!" I yelled when I saw him. He looked over and waved at me, walking towards me.
"Come on." He said, walking out of the house. I followed him to his blue truck and jumped in.
It took us about 10 minutes to get to the mall. When we got there I jumped out of the truck and skipped across the parking lot. Jacob shook his head and jogged to keep up.
"There's so many stores." I mumbled, looking around.
"Yeah. It's a mall smart one." He chuckled. I shot him a glare and kept walking.
"I want paint." I said.
"For what?" He asked, giving me a look of 'what the hell'.
"It's so plain in that house. I want paint." I repeated. He nodded and started walking towards the left. I shrugged and followed him.

"Look at this color!" I said, holding up a card thingy.
"Jesus Reagan. We've been in here for 15 minutes. Pick a color!" Jacob said. I laughed and nodded, picking out a light blue paint and a beige paint.
"Oh and this one." I said, grabbing a mint green color. He shook his head and walked up to the register with me.
"Just these." I said, putting the paints and paint brushes on the counter.
"36.52" the cashier said. I gave them my card and they swiped it. I grabbed all of the bags and walked out.

"You're insane!" Jacob all but shouted.
"But I like this dress!" I said.
"Damon will not like that. At all." Jacob shook his head. I sighed and put the dress back. It was all white with the back cut out and a little diamond shape cut out in the stomach area. I knew Jacob was right, but it was so pretty.
"Grab a dress." Jacob said. "We've been here for three hours." He groaned. I tried to hide my laugh but he saw, and shook his head at me.
"This one." I said, grabbing a different all white dress. It was about mid thigh with straps that crossed in the front and back. Jacob nodded and I went up to the register, buying it.
"Now let's get out of here." He sighed, going to his truck.

After we got home I took all of my stuff upstairs. I grabbed the beige paint and brushes and went to the living room. I threw the paint tarps over the floor and furniture and opened the paint.
"Oh shit." I mumbled, looking at my shirt. I shrugged and pulled it off. I had a sports bra on so who cares. I threw it into the kitchen and grabbed my paint roller thingy, rolling it in the paint.

I got three walls done in the living room when my phone rang. I groaned and laid the paint brush down, picking my phone up.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Sweet Reagan." I heard the same voice whisper.
"Leave Me Alone!!" I yelled into the phone.
"I'm coming to get you." He whispered before hanging up. I looked around and ran to the back door. I closed the blinds and locked the back door, checking all the windows and then locking the front door. I went back to the living room and finished my last wall, sitting on the floor.
I was still sitting on the floor when the front door knob wiggled. I jumped up and turned the light off, running to the bathroom. I shut the door and hid in the shower. I heard the front door squeak open and I tried to breath quietly, watching the bathroom door. I heard footsteps walk up to the bathroom door. I closed my eyes as the door creaked open.
"Princess?" Damon said as he threw back the curtain. I jumped up and into his arms.
"He called me." I whimpered.
"Who?" He asked.
"I don't know. It's the second time. He said he was gonna come get me." I cried.
"You aren't going any where princess." He said, carrying me into the kitchen.
"Wait." He said, setting me on the counter. "Where's your shirt?" He asked. I looked down and felt my face heat up.
"I was painting." I mumbled. He chuckled and shook his head.
"Painting what?" He asked. I jumped off of the counter and took his hand, leading him to the living room. He stopped and looked around.
"Thank you." He said, smiling and hugging me. I giggled and hugged him back. Things were going to be okay.

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