Chapter 25: Davy Back Fight

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"So? You in?"

Luffy looked at the offered gun and, hesitating a moment, took it.

Luffy was about to accept the game of the Davy Back Fight. The rules were simple enough. Three games, the winner of each one of the games picks a crew member from the other team, or the other ship's Jolly Roger. If the Roger was chosen, then that crew could never fly that flag again.

Behind you, Tonjit sat on the ground, petting his horse's head. It had been shot by Luffy's challenger, Foxy the Silver Fox.

Foxy and Luffy raised their guns to the sky and the shots that rang out signaled the start of the game.

You looked around at the carnival Foxy's crew had thrown together. It was actually pretty impressive.

"But what if we lose? Who do you think they'll take?" Usopp's worried voice reached your ears and you turned to look at your crew mates.

"They'll probably take me, because I'm so cute!" Nami said.

You rolled your eyes. "Usopp is cuter."

Nami looked offended, but Usopp looked kinda happy, and that was way more important than Nami's feelings. Besides, it wasn't exactly a lie, per say. Usopp wasn't exactly pretty to look at, but he had a heart of pure gold, and that made him cuter in your book.

Luffy hugged you from behind, burying his face in your hair. "What're we gunna do while we wait...?" He muttered.

"Umm... Nothing?"

He huffed, his breath warm on the back of your neck. "Come on, (Y/N)..." He whined. Luffy held you tighter, kissing your neck, your jaw, your shoulder.

"Ah... L-Luffy... Not now."

"Why not?" He gently kissed your fingertips before putting his hands on your hips, pressing you close. "Why not?"

"Nopety nope nope." Zolo picked up Luffy and dropped him off a few feet away from you. "No sex in public."

"Zolo, you're no fun." Luffy pouted.

You walked over and patted Zolo's arm. "If it makes you sexually frustrated to watch, then go to Sanji, I'm sure he'll help you."

Zolo made a choking noise and staggered away.

'One day,' you thought. 'One day my OTP will become reality.'

"One day, girl." You turned to look at Robin, shocked.

"I swear, that was literally my thoughts."

Robin held out her fist and you tapped your own against it. "Girl," Robin said. "Watch this."

Sanji and Zolo were fighting not far away and, curtesy of Robin, an arm grew out of the back of both men and pushed their heads together.

Lips locked, Sanji and Zolo froze, unable to move in their horror. Then they broke apart, spitting and cursing.

"OTP!" You clapped your hands, grinning a sadistic smile. "Thanks Robin, that was worth everything, I swear."

"Anytime, fam."

An announcement was made that the first game would start soon, and you went to Luffy. "Come on, it's starting."

He kissed you, whispering against your lips, "I don't have to be there till round three. So how about..." He kissed you again. "We just..." His lips pressed against your throat. "Go somewhere out of the way and..." One hand brushed up your thigh, coming to rest between your legs. "Play?"

You shivered against his warm body, letting out a shuddering breath. "L-Luffy... We can't."

"And why not?" He kissed you again before you could respond. "Not even once...?"

With his lips on yours and his hand between your legs, it was getting steadily harder to think clearly. "Luffy, with you it's never just once."

"Well, you never tell me to stop~"


"Say my name again."


Why did things always seem to go this way?

"Oi. Zolo." Sanji called out to the green-haired man.


"DON'T GIVE ME THAT, and where's Luffy?"

"I'LL SAY WHAT I WANT!!! I dunno though, probably with (Y/N)."

"YOU STUPID MARIMO, but yeah, you're probably right."





"You taste like smoke."


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