Chapter 20: Victory

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Luffy gave a wordless roar of effort as he swung his arm, weighed down by a giant gold ball, toward Eneru. It slammed into the Kami full force, and kept going. "Come on!" Luffy shouted. "Reach!"

His fist slammed into the golden bell of Shandora, and it's sweet tone echoed across Skypiea and down to the blue seas below.

Your head jerked around when the sound of a bell reached your ears. It was beautiful. You purred, tears pricking at your eyes. "Luffy..."


The Straw Hat Crew laughed happily as they shared in the feast. Eneru was beaten, and all of Skypiea's people had come to Upper Yard to live, because the rest of place had been wrecked by the Kami's 'Deathpiea'.

But the danger was gone now. Things were finally looking up. You purred and snuggled deeper into Luffy's arms, desperate to take in as much of him as you could. He responded by kissing the top of your head and wrapping his arms tighter around you.

"Stahp that." Zolo threw a coin at Luffy and he caught it in his mouth. "Stahp that, too."

Luffy spat out the coin and grinned at Zolo. "You can't tell me what to do, I'm the Captain."

You looked over at Zolo. "Yeah, Marimo. If you don't like it, then go make out with Sanji, or something."

Sanji backed away from Zolo so fast he almost tripped, and the swordsman choked on his sake. "The heck woman?!" He roared.

You giggled at their reactions, turning to once again hide your face in Luffy's chest. Luffy rested his chin on the top of your head and hummed, content.

Zolo crossed his arms and muttered to himself. He was quiet, but your sensitive ears could pick up his words. "Why would I wanna kiss that dumb cook? He isn't that pretty... Probably tastes like smoke..."

You snickered. 'Yay,' you thought. 'I got him to think about it! One step closer to my ship becoming real!'

Luffy searched around in the piles of gold objects. Some of the others were shoving things into bags, quietly trying to steal it and disappear. Luffy was looking for something a little more specific though.

He picked one up, but it didn't look right. Another was too big, the next too small. Then he found the perfect ones. Two pure gold rings, still shining. He hurried off, leaving the others to finish.

You were sitting by the growing pile of gold the crew had gathered up to make off with, and when Luffy ran up to you, you leaned against him purring.

"I got you something." He said.

"Izzat so?"

He nodded and looked down, shifting awkwardly for a moment. You tipped your head. "You okay?"

"Yes, umm..." He then got down on one knee and gently took your left hand in his. "(Y/N)," he said, pushing a golden ring onto your finger. "Be my Pirate Queen, okay?"

You weren't very familiar with human customs, but you knew enough to know what this meant. Purring, you leaned forward till your noses touched. "Of course I will, my Pirate King."

He looked so happy. Luffy managed to keep still long enough to let you put the matching ring on his hand before tackling you to the ground, kissing you deeply. "I love you," he murmured. "So much."

"I love you too, Luffy. More than anything."

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