Chapter 21: News

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Your ears twitched on your head as you listened to the noise your crew mates made. Zolo's snores, which, by the way, were very quiet compared to Ace's. Sanji's shouting about how he loved his 'Nami-Swaaan!' and 'Robin-Chwaaaan!' The soft tap of Usopp's hammer, and the rustle of paper as Robin turned a page. And Luffy's laughter.

You purred deeply, completely overwhelmed by a tidal wave of pure affection. That sweet boy. He looked toward you, grinning like a fool.

"(Y/N)!" He ran toward you, wrapping you in a tight hug. His arms were wound around you at least five times. "(Y/N), do the kitty thing!"

You purred.

"No, the other one."

You licked his neck.

"Not that one either."

"Honey child, what do you want?"

He pulled away and said, "Do the thing where you're a cat."

"Ah. That." You looked away and rubbed the back of your neck. "Umm... Well, Luffy... I can't."

"Oh, okay." He turned to walk away, and you grabbed his hand.

"Luffy, hold up, I'm not done." He tipped his head to the side, the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth. You started to speak, but he was just so adorable. You took his face in your hands and pulled him close, kissing him gently.

He hummed, pushing one hand into your hair. When you pulled away he said, "Gee, (Y/N), if you wanted me that bad all you had to do was ask."

You laughed and lightly punched his chest. "Oh hush, it's just because you're so hot." He smiled, a light blush across his cheeks. 'Gosh he's adorable,' you thought.

"Anyway," you said, gently taking hold of Luffy's hands. "Sweetie, I said I couldn't change, not that I wouldn't. My body won't let me."

"Why not? Are you okay? Are you sick? Are you hurt? Do you need food? Of course you need food, everyone does. SANJI!!"



"OKAY!!" Sanji shot off toward the kitchen, leaving a dust trail in his wake.

You sighed. "Luffy. Sweetie. I'm fine, I'm not hurt, I'm not sick, and I'm not hungry. Well, I am, but that's not the point." You paused, wondering how you could explain this in a way he would understand. "Well..."

Luffy motioned for you to continue. "Luffy... W-When one of my kind is... C-Carrying kits... Their body won't let them change for a while because it might hurt the kittens..."

Luffy nodded, but you doubt he understood it yet. "S-So I won't be able to change until my body builds protection around the kits, so that they won't be hurt during the transformation..."

Luffy looked confused. "What does all that have to do with you?" You huffed.

'Does he really not get it?'

You gently placed his hand over your stomach. "Luffy," your words were barely a whisper. "I'm pregnant, sweetheart. We're going to have kits."

Luffy blinked. He looked down at where his hand rested on your stomach and then back to your face. There wasn't even the slightest bit of a sign that he'd even registered what you'd just said.

Then his eyes widened and he leaned back in shock. He looked back down to your tum and gasped. "Babies?"

You purred. "Yes, Luffy. Babies."

He stuttered a few incoherent syllables before falling backwards, unconscious. "Oh dear..." You muttered.

Sanji stood awkwardly to the side, shifting from one foot to the other. "Umm... Food, (Y/N)-Chwan?" He held out a plate.

"You know what? Sure." You took it and sat down next to your mate.

He'd be fine. Probably.

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