Chapter 36: Gunshot

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Luffy sat on the edge of the roof of the hotel you were currently at. Resting your forepaws on the ledge, you gently licked his ear.

Sanji and Chopper stood close together, wondering about where Robin had disappeared to. You'd been wondering that yourself. Where was your shipping partner? Whiskers twitching, you padded across the roof to Sanji, sitting near the long-legged blond and wrapping your tail neatly around your paws.

But before he could say anymore, Nami ran up to Luffy and said, "Luffy! It's Iceberg! He's been shot!"


Nami tried to keep up as you bounded down the road, Luffy on your back. You had to consciously keep your claws in their sheaths, more used to using them to propel yourself faster on soft ground. The hard stone paths were beginning to make your pads sore, but you did your best to ignore it, gritting your teeth and lashing your tail.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Luffy encouraged you, "I wanna see Ice-guy one more time."

You parted your paws to taste the air, faltering in your progress for a moment at the mingling scent of steel and... Soda? Shanking your head, you ignored the strange smell and continued onward, across the back streets of Water Seven.


As you neared the mansion where Iceberg lived and worked, your ear fur suddenly shivered with vibrations, and you launched yourself into the air a moment before the bullets hit the cobblestones.

Luffy yelped as you landed back on all fours, lips peeled back in a feral snarl at the person who'd shot at you. He was big, blue-haired, and unnecessarily naked, with nothing but a speedo and an ill-fitting jacket.

The wind blew towards you, and your nose twitched at the smell of metal and soda. 'So that's where that was coming from.' You slid out your claws and scraped then against the stones to sharpen them, fur bristling along your spine.

The man, Franky you heard someone say, was apparently the leader of the people you'd beaten up when they'd hurt Usopp. And he was pissed.

Luffy slid off your back and gently patted your side. "Go on, (Y/N). I can handle this. You just keep our babies safe, okay?"

Hesitating for only a moment, you eventually turned and fled, hiding in a side alley near by. The citizens of Water Seven had mostly encircled you by then, watching as Luffy and Franky glared at each other.

You changed to human form before stepping out of the shadows, glad that no one here had yet to see you as anything but a cat.

You pushed your way through the ever-growing crowd, arms wrapped protectively around your stomach. You stopped at the edge, watching as Luffy and Franky fought. It seemed fine at first, clear, to you, that Luffy would win. But then more people showed up.

Galley-La, a group of shipwrights directly under Iceberg, showed up, determined to arrest the Straw Hats for the assassination attempt on their mayor.

Your ears laid flat on your head in surprise. They thought your crew had attempted to kill Iceberg? Why?

Confused, you shifted back as the shipwrights joined the fight. You bumped into someone and they took hold of your arm. You whirled around with a hiss, the man who'd grabbed you leaping back in surprise.

"H-Hey, missy. It's alright, I won't hurt ya none. Jus' thought ya might wanna get away from the fightin' what with the baby an' all."

You gave a small nod and the man said something to a woman beside him. "This here's my wife." He gently took your arm again and his wife took the other. "She'll take right good care of ya. Done raised three good kids she has, and she knows how it's done."

"I can't stay terribly long. I've got to meet with my people."

"Well there's plenty o' time for that." The man patted your arm gently. "The ol' Aqua Laguna is comin' in, and ain't no one gunna get off this here island 'till the tide rolls back down and gets back to normal."

"What's that mean?" Your ears gave a nervous twitch.

"Jus' means the lower parts'll be under water for a spell. Ain't never hurt nothin' though. It'll be alright little missy, our house is high up, so you can rest easy."

Still a bit nervous, you let the couple lead you away, wondering how you were going to manage to find Luffy in all this mess your crew had found themselves in.

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