Chapter 26: End of Round One

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"Luffy, hold up." His shirt was buttoned wrong, his hair was a mess, and his hat was crooked.

You rebuttoned his shirt, ran a hand through his hair, and straightened his hat. "At least look okay..." You muttered.


"Oh hun."

Luffy scooped you up, and you squeaked with surprise. "Luffy! What are you doing?"

He kissed your neck and whispered, "Do you really expect me to believe you can walk on your own?"

You shivered and relaxed in his grip. "O-Okay..."

Sanji looked around, wondering where you were. Then he heard someone moving through the crowd and turned to see Luffy, pushing through with you in his arms.

"(Y/N)-chwaaaan! Are you alright?"

You nodded. "Fine, Sanji, just a little shaky."

Sanji started to ask why, but Zolo whapped him in the back of the head.


"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

They were so close their noses were almost touching. You gasped and said, "Are you gunna kiss again?"

They jerked away from each other, muttering curses. Then an announcement blared across the grounds. You froze, ears laid flat on your head.

"The Silver Fox Pirates win round one!"

"Oh." You breathed the word, horror turning your blood to ice.

'They're going to take someone?'

You went through the crew in your head. Sanji couldn't be taken, or Zolo, they were your OTP! And Robin was awesome! Chopper and Usopp are both sweethearts, you didn't want to lose them either. And Luffy... No, you'd die before you let them walk away with him. And Nami... Well, you'd be happy if they took her, she's a jerk.

Foxy, their captain, looked over your group. 'Which one...' He thought. 'The swordsman looks pretty tough... But so does the blond... And that reindeer is so cute! Hold up...'

He walked forward and dramatically pointed to you. "We want the kitty!"


Foxy spluttered, like he'd never expected a refusal. "You can't just say no!"

"I just did." Luffy held you tighter, refusing to give you up.

"Well, she's mine now, so you're going to have to try and win her back, or let me have her forever."

Luffy snarled, pupils dilated with pure fury. "Do you really think I'll let you take her?" He growled the words through gritted teeth.

"Well, you have too."


A murmur rippled through the crowd.


"His wife?"

"Wait, the cat's knocked up?"

Luffy turned so his body was between you and them. "Try and get her." He growled. "I'll eat your throat out."

"Luffy." You gently turned his face toward you. "It's alright. Zolo and Sanji will just get me back anyway. It'll only be about five minutes, tops. Then you beat him up when it's your turn to play."

He whimpered, resting his forehead against yours. "But I don't want to let you go..."

"I know baby, but sometimes you have to."

He kissed you gently, and a collective 'Daww,' went through the crowd. He carefully set you on your feet and you limped forward.

Two girls from Foxy's crew came up and took hold of your arms, helping you walk.

"Like, are you really pregnant?"


"Woah girl. Really with the captain."



You giggled as they helped you sit down. "Sorry bout not being able to walk well. Luffy... Well, he's sweet, but he gets a little rough sometimes."

The two girls laughed, and you purred. At least some people appreciate your suggestive comments.

(Sorry about leaving for so long, I'm not completely back yet, so updates will be slow, but I'm trying mates. Chemistry lab, and all.)

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