Chapter 5: Baby, It's Cold Outside

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You watched your breath cloud in front of you, visible in the freezing air. You put your hands into the pockets of your trench coat, enjoying the protection from the snow. Turning around, trying to find Luffy, you spotted him sitting on the figurehead. Wearing a vest and shorts. In the snow. Sighing, you walked over to him. "Luffy? Sweetie, aren't you cold?"

"Cold?" He turned to look at you, blinking in confusion. He considered it for a second, then started to shiver violently. "It's cold!"

You sighed and opened the front of your coat. He slid down and pressed close to you, and you closed your coat back up. "Better?"


"Are they always like this?" Zolo's irritated voice reached your ears, and they twitched, swiveling in his direction. You turned, both arms around your lover.

"Like what?" You asked, head tipped.

He sighed. "It's like you physically can't go five minutes without touching each other somehow."

Before you could speak, Luffy looked over at him and said, "You're right, I can't, I'd die." You laughed and kissed him, warmth spreading through your chest. Zolo made gagging noises and walked off, probably looking for sake.

"You two..." Nami shook her head, watching the two of you. It was obvious in everything the two of you did, that you loved each other more than anything else on this world. Suddenly light headed, Nami staggered to the side and leaned against the railing.

"Nami-Swaaaan!" Sanji was at her side in an instance, holding her up. You and Luffy looked over, concerned.

"Wuddup, Orange?" You nudged Luffy out of your coat and sent him to get his own, walking over to where Sanji held up Nami. You sniffed at her, wrinkling your nose at the tinge of sickness. You rested your cheek against hers and recoiled at the heat. "She's sick. Very. Get her inside, Sanji."

"Drum Kingdom? There's a doctor there?" Luffy tipped his head, confusion in his dark eyes. He looked so cute.

You kissed him before answering. "Apparently so. We'll see when we get there." He nodded, trying his best to look serious. But it didn't work for long. He broke into a grin and leaned forward to kiss you back.

"Love you, Kitty."

"Love you, Squishy."

- Layter -


Chopper, a little blue-nosed reindeer, finally gave in and agreed to join the crew. You purred and, in the greeting of your people, touched your nose to his. "Welcome to the Straw Hat Pirates, Doctor."

Luffy looked at you, confused. "He's a doctor?" Zolo and Sanji got mad, asking him why he invited Chopper to join if he didn't even know he was a doctor. You watched, very amused by all this. Maybe one day, those three would get along.

But probably not.

(Sorry that this chapter was shorter than the others! I'll spend more time on the Alabasta arc, I promise!)

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