Chapter 44: Family

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"C-Coby-san!" The pink-haired boy turned at the sound of his name to see a small kid with brown hair and freckles run up, gasping for breath.

"Yes... Um... Cody?"

"I... I... I met your mom!"

Coby blinked, confused. "My... Mom?"

"Yeah! She said she loves you!"

"She did?"

"Yep! I gotta say, miss (Y/N) is super nice for a pirate! Ya know... She doesn't really look that much like you. Do you take after your dad?"

The mention of your name made Coby freeze. This boy had met you? What about Luffy-san, was he okay too? He thought... He thought you were Coby's mom?


Coby jumped when Garp called for him, bolting towards the Marine and following after him. But he still couldn't get the thought of you out of his head.

"Oh. Wow."

"Yep." Zolo shook his head and sighed as his captain ate while sleeping. Luffy really was just full of surprises.

You were curled up nearby, occasionally raising your head from your paws to glance around the room, ears swiveling. Nothing would touch Luffy or your kits without your permission. Nothing.

So when Nami moved a half-step in Luffy's direction, you hissed, letting your claws scrape against the floorboards.

It was around then that the wall basically exploded.

Wood flew everywhere and you leapt onto the dinner table, protecting your mate, snarling while the dust settled. And the second it did, you purred so loudly that your whiskers quivered.

Garp walked through the hole he'd made, arms crossed. Your crew tensed around you, ready to bolt at the first sign of aggression from this well-known Marine. None of them were prepared for when you trotted forward and pressed your head against his stomach, tail curling up with pleasure when he ran a hand through your fur.

They were further shocked when Garp got down on one knee, took your furry head in his hands, and said, "How's my favorite Granddaughter?"

You changed to human and jumped him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He laughed and hugged you back before looking around and spotting Luffy. "That dumb boy..."

He let you go, walked over to Luffy, and promptly punched him in the face. Everyone immediately turned towards you, thinking that you were going to react in the same violent way you always did toward anyone who dared to touch Luffy. Instead you laughed. Actually laughed as Luffy got up, shaking his head to clear it.

"Dang it Gramps!" Luffy rubbed his cheek and glared at Garp, about to say some smart aleck thing that would only get him punched again. You rolled your eyes and stepped between them, purring with amusement.

And then his scent touched your nose. Whirling around so fast you almost tripped yourself, you stared at that head of soft pink hair. You launched yourself at Coby, snatching him up and crushing him to your chest, hugging him so hard he wheezed as the air was forced out of his lungs.

You dropped to your knees, letting him go enough so that you could look at him. He was taller, with longer hair, and you could already tell that there was muscle on his bones now. You brushed the hair out of his eyes, almost crying as you fussed with his uniform.

Coby blushed at the attention, overly aware of the stares of your crewmates. He finally met your (E/C) gaze, surprised by the sheer force of the love that burned there. When you hugged him a second time, he gladly hugged you back, whispering quietly, "I think I like having a pirate for a mom."

You purred, letting your claws slide out enough to catch on his uniform. "Well, let's see how you feel about pirate siblings."

He pulled away, looking confused. Then he glanced at your stomach, only now noticing the fact that you were pregnant. "You're..."

You purred and leaned forward, rubbing your cheek against his. "Yep~"

"With L-Luffy-san...?"


Blushing furiously, your little Marine boy buried his face in his hands. You laughed quietly, ears pricking up at the sound of a hesitant voice that was only half-familiar. "C-Coby?"

The voice may not have rung many bells, but the smell did. You changed as you turned, keeping your claws out on all four paws as you glared at Helmeppo, that stupid brat that had dared to hold a gun to your kit's head.

Coby wrapped his arms around your neck, gripping the fur. "Don't (Y/N)! He's my friend now! Don't hurt him!"

You raised your head, lifting Coby off his feet. You glared at Helmeppo, not bothering to hide the hatred in your eyes. You wanted to let him know that Coby was the only reason he would walk away without any new scars.

You turned around and stalked off, tail lashing, to sit beside Luffy. Coby followed you, settling down in the curve of your side. He beckoned to Helmeppo, trying to get the blond to come closer. "It's okay! She won't hurt you, I promise!"

You didn't exactly like it, but you didn't snap his head off when Helmeppo sat uncertainly next to Coby.

You, Luffy, Garp, Coby, and Helmeppo all moved outside to talk, with Coby riding on your back.

You sat down and Coby squeaked, clinging to your fur. You purred and turned your head to grab the back of his shirt in your jaws, placing him in front of you and changing back to human so you could wrap your arms around him and kiss the top of his head.

Helmeppo kept glancing at you, like he was scared you'd hurt Coby. He looked really worried for the pink-haired Marine. You but the inside of your cheek, thinking. Leaning down, you said quietly to Coby, "Coby, sweetie, are you gay?"

"What?!" His voice cracked and you laughed.

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"You lie." You then grabbed him under the arms, lifted him up for the world to see, and screamed, "Everyone look at my little gay Marine baby!"

Coby covered his face with his hands. Luffy tipped his head and asked what gay was and whether he could eat it or not. Garp informed him that gay was when a man loved a man like Luffy loved you. Luffy smiled and said, "That's nice."

You couldn't help it, he was just so cute. You put Coby down and kissed Luffy's face all over. Luffy let you, happy with the attention, even if it made it kind of hard to breathe.

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