Chapter 7: Separated

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In beast form, you pounded forward on all fours, Luffy riding on your back. "Come on!" He shouted to the other crew members. "We have to get to Alubarna!"

"We can't run there!"

"We won't have to." Sanji stopped, and the rest of you skidded to a halt beside him, watching in amazement as Chopper rode in on a giant crab. He called for you all to get on, and you prepared to leap, hurtling yourself upward with Luffy still clinging to your back.

This crab of Chopper's really was much faster than running. At this rate, you might even be able to get to the city in time to stop the rebels... You whirled around, fur bristling when Vivi screamed. Luffy, bless his sweet heart, immediately jumped toward her. You hadn't seen it, but apparently Vivi got hooked. Luffy pulled her free and threw her back toward the crab, but at the cost of he himself getting taken away.

"Take care of Vivi!" He yelled. "I love you, (Y/N)!!"

Letting out a mewl of distress, you leapt forward, trying to follow your lover into the sands. But someone stopped you. Writhing, clawing, caterwauling in fury, you struggled as the crab zoomed away, leaving Luffy too far behind for even your tracking skills. Slowly reverting back to human form, you curled up in the fetal position, whimpering with pain.

"(Y/N)-Chwan?" Sanji laid a hand on your arm and you struck out, claws unsheathed, narrowly missed his eyes.

"How dare you?!" You crouched on all fours, snarling with rage. "How dare you keep me here?" You'd always liked the blond chef, but in this moment you hated him. Sanji looked a little scared.

"I- I just didn't want you to be hurt..."

"You've hurt her far worse than any physical wound could have, crappy cook."

You turned toward Zolo in surprise. Of all the people, you'd thought that he would be the last to understand. "W-What do you mean?" Did Sanji really not get it?

Zolo didn't respond. He just shook his head and looked away, lost in his own memories.

- ten minutes later -

Zolo looked down at you, curled up on the ground, not even trying to hold back your tears. Once, he'd asked you and Luffy if you couldn't restrain yourselves from touching or kissing each other for five minutes. Luffy's immediate response had been, "You're right, I can't, I'd die." Zolo had thought he was just being stupid, same as always. Now, looking at you, he couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to what his captain had said.

"I didn't even get to tell him that I loved him too..." Even your voice sounded weaker.

"... Zolo?"


"Have you ever missed someone so much that just the thought of them rips you apart, but... But you just can't think about anything else?"

"Yeah." He said. "I know exactly how that feels."

Nico Robin, current partner of Sir Crocodile himself, used her Devil Fruit powers to pull your lover out of the sand.

He would be fine.

You padded through the streets of Alubarna. In full beast mode, you opened your mouth to taste the air. The others were searching everywhere for a bomb that was supposed to detonate where both armies, rebel and the King's, were about to fight, but you were searching for Luffy. Yeah, maybe it would be morally correct to look for the bomb, and maybe you could end up getting a lot of people killed. But honestly, that didn't mean much to you right now.

Your mate was missing. And you were going to find him.

Following your nose, you picked up the scent of a certain Crocodile. You hissed. He'd taken Luffy. Jaws parted, you followed the scent all the way to the Royal Mausoleum. There was a staircase heading deep underground, and the scent led straight down.

Flicking your tail, you headed down, turning human as you went.

Luffy ran as hard as he could toward the Royal Mausoleum. That Marine lady had said that Crocodile was there, so he had to go and kick his butt! Crocodile had made Vivi cry, and since Vivi was Luffy's nakama, Crocodile had to pay.

Almost there, the loss of blood finally did its number, and Luffy collapsed, falling asleep before he even hit the ground.

(It has come to my attention that three or four people have thus far, kept with every new chapter. This makes me so happy! I love you, three/four peoples.)

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