Chapter 49: And The Fog Rolls In

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"Can you feel it?" Your question was hushed as you gently pressed your lover's hand to your stomach. Luffy's brow was furrowed in concentration as he tried to feel whatever it was you'd called him for. He opened his mouth to ask a question and you could see the change in his expression the second your babies moved again.

He jumped back, shock in his eyes. "What was that?" His voice squeaked out and you laughed, motioning him back towards you. Luffy slowly came back to kneel by your side, letting you take his hand and replace it on your belly. You saw him stiffen at the movement beneath his palm, eyes wide. "Is that our babies...?"

You gave him a soft smile and brought one hand up to brush his hair back from his face. "Yes, Luffy. That's our babies."

He gasped and shifted closer to you, settling down to press his face against your stomach. "Are they dreaming?"

You laughed. "I don't know, sweetie. Maybe."

"Okay! Sweet dreams, babies!"

You gently ran your hand through Luffy's hair, purring.

"Am I interrupting something...?" Zolo stood awkwardly in the doorway, one hand on the door's knob.

"No. Come here, Zolo." You motioned him closer and he complied, taking to one knee by your side. You grabbed his tanned hand and laid it on your stomach, letting him feel your restless children.

"Okay, that's weird." Zolo pulled his hand away and stared at his palm. You grinned and nodded.

"Indeed it is, Roronoa."

Then your ears twitched as you heard Usopp call from the deck. "I think something's up. Come on, Luffy." You pushed him up and he pulled you to your feet and together you went to see what was up.

Or at least, that's what you intended. Problem was, there was a fog so thick that you couldn't see what was up.

"Wow." You said, arms cradling your stomach. "Isn't that something." You were trying to see if you could smell anything past the heavy fog when a hand dropped onto your shoulder and spun you around. "Oh."

Usopp was shaking as he pointed towards what he'd actually been yelling about earlier. A large ship was drifting close to your own, it sails tattered, its hull covered in holes. It was a wreck and you immediately wanted to climb onto it.

Luffy was jumping up and down, excited by the ghost ship, and when he whirled around to look at you, no words needed to be said. You leaped forward, changing midair and charging towards the edge of the ship. Luffy jumped on your back as you launched yourself over the side and clambered onto the ship's ravaged deck.

Ears pricked with curiosity, you'd taken no more than three steps when a figure loomed from the fog, tall and thin. A gentle breeze blew away just enough fog to reveal the skeleton that stood before you, one fleshless hand on the brim of his top hat.

You cocked your head and chuffed while Luffy did the same motion above you. The skeleton bowed and you leaned forward to sniff his hat while he spoke. "My name is Brook!"

Luffy clapped his hands. "I'm Luffy! Wanna join my crew?"

~five minutes later~
Brook played a tune on his violin, the only thing from his ship that didn't look trashed. You and Luffy loved his presence, singing happily together to whatever Brook played. The others, however, seemed to have a few more reservations, casting the undead man more than a few uncertain glances.

Sanji blew smoke and walked around the table putting the last plate of food down and dusting off his hands on his apron. You licked your lips and grinned, the expression quickly scaring off Chopper and Usopp, who'd been reaching for the food the plate held.

Zolo laughed loudly at the quick retreat of his cowardly crewmates, his feet propped up on the table. Sanji walked by and tapped him lightly on the head, scolding him gently in an attempt to get the swordsman to sit right. They started to bicker and Robin glanced over at you, mouthing the words, "They're meant to be."

You nodded in agreement and smacked Luffy's hand away as he tried to steal your food. Brook finished his song and laughed, a funny sound that got you giggling. Turning to Luffy, Brook said, "What you said earlier... About me joining your crew. Did you mean it?"

Sounds of shock came from the crew around the table at the thought of a skeleton joining, but Luffy just smiled and nodded. "Yep! I want you to join us!" You nodded in confirmation.

Apparently touched by this, Brook started to cry. "Oh, I'm tearing up! Even though I don't have tear ducts! Yohohoho!" Composing himself, he bowed to Luffy once more. "I'm honored. Truly, I am! But alas, I must refuse."

"Why!" Luffy looked shocked, like he'd never expected to be refused.

Brook resettled his hat and said, "You see, I've got no shadow. It's been stolen from me, and until I get it back I cannot leave this foggy place. The sun would burn me away."

You looked down at Brook's feet and, sure enough, he cast no shadow. Glancing at Luffy, you saw the determination in his eyes and knew what he was thinking. You rolled your eyes, a smile pulling at the corners of your mouth.

Guess you'll be going shadow hunting.

(This is a warning that I'm almost caught up to where I currently am in the series, so once I reach there, there won't be any more updates for a bit.)

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