Yards Of Nothing

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Sierras POV-
I ran out farther into the field. I turned around when I heard something. I followed my instincts and ran, soon hearing growling. I turned around and Bailey was charging me. I started to laugh as she tackled me. We laughed and stared at the clouds. It was getting dark, and we weren't supposed to be in that field. I heard my dad yelling, "Sierra, where are you?" I told Bailey that it was time to go, and we got up and started to run back to my house, as we got closer, I saw my dad standing on the back porch. I grabbed Bailey's hand and dragged her around the side of the house. I slowly opened the front door and pulled Bailey inside. We ran up behind my dad and started to scream. He jumped forward and turned around wide eyed. Bailey and I went hysterical. He started to laugh and told us that David was outside. We stopped laughing and realized that he probably saw us.
Baileys POV-
I walked outside, Sierra following. My dad rolled down the window and asked us why we're out back. We looked at each other. I told him we were under the porch and we wanted to scare Spencer. Dad didn't believe me and told me to get in the car. I waved at Sierra and got in the front seat. He told me that he knew we were in the field. I still denied it, but he knew. I asked him why he got me in the car. He told me there was a serial killer striking in Quantico Virginia. I looked at him and told him that I was 12, and that I would be ok. He said I wasn't aloud to walk to and from Sierra's house until he was caught. When we got home I asked him if they were looking. He said yea, and told me I better stop asking questions. I yelled at him and told him that he was in the FBI and that he should be caught. This killer has been free for weeks. He told me to go to my room. So I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door shut.

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