Im Ok!

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Emily's POV
I watched as Morgan, Reid and Hotch came running out from the building. And soon after JJ pulling Bailey. I stood and watched, waiting for Sierra, but she never came. Then I saw her stand up. "COME ON SIERRA! THIS WAY!" I screamed. She was feeling around the walls, and walking around in circles. All of the sudden she fell, and began to go away. I saw a large figure, and followed my instincts and pulled the trigger. I ran inside to see Sierra crawling out from under a mans body. I picked her up and carried her out. When I got to the door I threw her onto the lawn and ran back in. Morgan and I began to drag the man out until we heard the ticking. Immediately we dropped him and ran. As soon as we got out of the door the explosion happened. Spencer ran to Sierra and began to drag her away from the house. Sierra was screaming and Spencer let go. Spencer tried to pick her up but she wouldn't let him. I ran to her and asked her what was wrong. She held her arm up and I looked at it. Her thumb was tucked in her palm and was bent very badly. I picked her up and carried her to the ambulance. I carried her in and sat down with Spencer as they put Bailey in another ambulance withm Rossi and JJ. We watched as the medics messed with Sierra's thumb.

 We watched as the medics messed with Sierra's thumb

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TBH this is my cousin Lexi

Sierra's POV
    I looked down at my hand as the medics pulled at my thumb. I'm ok, I'm ok. I thought. I smiled at my dad as they pulled at my thumb. Soon enough they wrapped it up with cotton. I layed back and looked at Emily. She had her head in her hands and dad had his arm around her. I always wanted to know what it was like to have a mom. Bailey had a mom. I didn't. Emily was like a mom to me. She probably felt bad. When she threw me onto the lawn I tucked my thumb in my palm. That's what broke my thumb. "I'm ok." I said to her. She looked up at me and smiled. The doors to the back of the ambulance opened as they pulled me out. They tried to put me on the stretcher, but I wouldn't let them. I walked in with the paramedics and layed on the bed. They took me into the room that had what dad called the 'bread baker.' Thy slid me under as I looked up and smiled.

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