" It's Flavoured!"

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Rossi's POV-
     I put the car in park. I jumped out of the car and ran I the entrance. I ran right past the reception desk and up the stairs. "Can you please tell me what room is occupied by Bailey Rossi." I asked the lady. "I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid I can't do that." I reached in my pocket and pulled out my FBI Badge. "Ma'am that is my daughter and she was just kidnapped. Where is she." I looked straight at her and she told me the directions. I raced down the hall, slipping between carts. Finally I found the room. I opened the door to see Bailey laying in the bed with a bandage around her head. I hugged her and kissed her. I sat there for a while until Morgan came in the room. "Come Rossi." I followed him into another room and saw Sierra laying there with a curtain up next to her. I went up to her and brushed the hair out of her face. She sprang up, "Is Bailey ok?" I assured her that Bailey was fine, and began to walk out of the room. Morgan came up behind me, "That's not all." Morgan said with a sense of fear in his voice. He brought me over to the curtain and slowly opened it. There was Spencer, with a bandage around his neck and his knee. He smiled that swept smile. "Hey Spence, are you ok?" Spencer told me what happened. After that I walked out of the hospital. When I got home, it seemed different not having Bailey there.

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