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Spencer's POV-
I turned the corner and saw the house. No lights were on, so I figured Sierra was going to scare me. I pulled up in he drive way and turned the car off. I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I rang the doorbell and yelled to Sierra that it was me. No answer. I unlocked the door and walked inside. "Sierra, you won't scare me this time." I looked up the stairs and saw that her door was open. I slowly walked up the stairs and jumped into Sierra's room. But she wasn't there. I looked all around the house and couldn't find her. I figured that she went over to Baileys house. I grabbed my phone out of my bag, and when I was about to unlock it, Rossi called. I answered.
"Hey Spencer."
"Hey, what's up?"
"Is Bailey over there?"
"No. I can't find Sierra either."
"I'm coming over right now."
Davids POV-
I jumped into my car and sped over to Spencer's house. When I got there I hopped out and ran inside. Spencer opened up his laptop and got onto the school website. He went to the attendance list and scrolled through the absent people. At the top of he list was the name, "Bailey Rossi." He continued to scroll down, soon finding, "Sierra Reid." Neither of them were at school. Their phones were gone too. I immediately knew. " The field." We both ran and got out guns and bullet-proof vest. About that time Spencer's phone began to ring. It was Hotch.
Spencer's POV-
"Hey Reid."
"We just found a body. 11 year old girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes."
"Hotch... Sierra and Bailey are missing."
*line goes dead*
I looked at Rossi. I told him that they found a body. And it matched Sierra's appearance. My eyes filled with tears as Rossi watches me from behind, crying.

 My eyes filled with tears as Rossi watches me from behind, crying

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