The Walk

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Sierra's POV-
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I looked over and the sun blinded me. I sat up and got out of bed. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. On the fridge there was a note. "Had a case, I'll be back tonight. Have a good day!" I ripped the note off and threw it in the trash. I ran up to my room and grabbed my phone. I texted Bailey and asked her if she was awake. She said yes, so I FaceTimed her. I asked and she said that she found a note on her door saying the same thing. I told her that I was ditching, and asked her if she wanted to also. She agreed, and told me she'd be over in 10 minutes.
Baileys POV-
I grabbed my Vans and slipped them on my feet. I checked my phone. It was 6:24 A.M. I ran out of my room, checking that I had my key. I grabbed a bottle of water, locked the door and closed it behind me. I texted Sierra and told her to meet me half way. She said ok. I started to walk down the street, when I heard somebody whispering. It was 2 people. I started to speed up, and then I saw Sierra turning the corner. She stood and waited for me at the corner. When I got there we started to talk. Eventually we got back to Sierra's house. She unlocked the door and we walked inside. We immediately ran to the fridge and grabbed a smoothie. Spencer was very fond of staying healthy.
Spencer's POV-
I banged on the door and screamed, "FBI!" Nobody answered. Derick came up and kicked the door down. I ran inside and looked around. David came up beside me, and said, "You go left, I'll take the right." I stood with my back to the wall, and peeked around the corner. I saw something from behind a door. I walked up to it and kicked the door open. It was a young boy. I called for Hotch. He came into the room and called in everybody else. "I can't believe it. 7 murders, and no evidence what so ever." I couldn't take it.

Sierra's POV-     It was already 1:00

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Sierra's POV-
It was already 1:00. I suggested that we go play in the field. Bailey agreed, as we slipped in our matching Vans. I ran out the back door and into the field. Bailey and I ran for what seemed to be hours. Finally, we started climbing trees and playing tag. We loved it back here. Time flew by, because the next time I looked it was 4:56. We had to hurry home. I turned to look, when I noticed that there was no sign of the house. I called for Bailey, and she said she didn't see it either. I began to worry. I used the "Find My iPhone App" dad was almost home. I ran over to Bailey, and we started to walk in the direction of which we thought the house was in. I started to hear footsteps behind us. At this point we were running. Then I felt a hand cover my mouth as I was slammed to the ground, as well as Bailey.

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