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Just want to let you know that I am fully aware that my writing sucks...

Spencer POV-
     I rested my head back as we were landing. It just felt better to know that my daughter was still alive and that I was close to her. I grabbed my stuff and jumped off of the plane. Rossi came up to me." Am I a bad father?" I looked at Rossi and told him that if he is, then I am too. I hopped into the rental car and Rossi got in the passenger seat. My phone began to ring and I saw that it was Sierra. I looked at Rossi and put it on speaker phone.
"Sierra are you ok?!"
"No! Help me! Bailey's dying!"
I look at Rossi
"What's wrong?"
"They've beaten us, we tried to escape."
"Don't do that. We are in Tennessee."
"We're in Tennessee?!"
"Yes. We traced your phone."
"Ok daddy"
"We are coming"
"Ok daddy. Bye."
Line goes dead.
I look at Rossi and he has his head buried in his hands. I tell him that they will be ok. " But what if they aren't Spencer?" I don't know what to say. I just tell him to think positive. We continue to drive until we get to the FBI station. We all get out and go inside. Nobody will help us. Rossi goes up to the commander and grabs him by his collar. " Now you listen to me right now, this is my daughter we are talking about. Not just mine, but his too,"Rossi points at me. " We talked on the phone with them 5 minutes ago." Rossi lets go of his shirt and walks away. We go into a room and gather around a table. Garcia points out the location of where the call came from. We couldn't see exactly, but she made a square around it, so we could have certainty down to 5 miles. We put on our vests and hopped in our cars.

Sierra's POV-
     I watched as the man came with a key in his hand. " You are the most beautiful young girl ever." He unlocked the chains around me and dragged me up. I started to kick and scream until he pulled a knife out and held it up to my throat. " Now you listen here sweetheart, only you can make this hard." I stopped kicking as I felt the knife pierce my skin. I felt blood trickle down my throat. I let out a faint whimper, but hid it as much as I could.
My dad told me to never show fear, so I didn't. " You will be here forever. And when your daddy comes to find you., you can watch him be killed." I screamed and kicked as he cut my cheek. He threw me on the floor and went into the other room. He came back with Bailey in his arms. He sat her next to me and looked at us. " You both are beautiful. But I have to kill one of you." Bailey started to kick him as he pulled out a gun and held it to her forehead. " Seams like my decision has been made." Bailey looked at me and held my hand. 3... I looked at Bailey as she closed her eyes.2...Bailey starts to scream," NO! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS!" 1... BAM! My dad burst rd through the door with his gun pointed. The man quickly turned around...BAM BAM BAM. I screamed," DADDY!" My dad fell to he floor with blood spilling from his thigh. He turned back to Bailey who was sitting there crying. He kicked the chains off of me as I crawled over to me dad. I covered to wounds and reached in his pocket. I found his emergency stick and pressed the red button.

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