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This chapter and a few more will have different POV'S bc it's easier to just do POV;)

Morgans POV-
     I feel something buzzing in my pocket. I pick up the remote where it says that Reid's alarm has been set off. "Lets move!" I yell. JJ and Hotch go to the front door, as I walk around the perimeter. I see through a window Spencer laying on the floor and a man holding a gun to Bailey's head. I hit my alert butting and bust the window. The man turns to me as a fire a shot right at his chest. I jump through the window as JJ and Hotch come through the door. Hotch goes out to call a medic. While JJ is unchaining Bailey I go over to Spencer. I call his name and he doesn't answer. Sierra races over to him and falls on her knees next to him. "DADDY! PLEASE! STAY WITH US!" I can't stand seeing Sierra's dirty face crying and saying that. My eyes start to water as Sierra covers Spencer's knee. I asked her what happened. " HE SHOT HIM! 3 TIMES! I PRESSED THE BUTTON!" I felt a tear running down my face I stood up and sat in a chair across the room. JJ picked up Bailey and carried her outside. Rossi ran in the room and grabbed Sierra under the arms. He kept trying to pull her away, but her arm would fly right back to where it was. "NO! NO! NO!" She would scream every time he tried. "Sierra, we need to take you to the hospital, you're hurt." Sierra layed down on Spencer's chest. Hearing her cries being buried in his vest killed me. "Sierra, he'll be ok." Sierra leaned back and covered her mouth with her hands. I ran over and covered the gunshot wound on his neck. 4 paramedics ran into the room. "Sierra, let go." I told her. "NO!I WANNA STAY WITH HIM!" One of the paramedics helped Sierra up. As the paramedics helped her walk out, she stopped in the doorway. She turned around and ran and kicked the man in the neck. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She cried. The paramedic picked her up and carried her outside. They lifted Spencer up on a stretcher. I walked out and got into the ambulance with Spencer and Sierra. They had a mask covering his mouth so he could breathe. Even though they were hurt, Sierra was holding he's Dads hand.

Sierra's POV-
     I gripped Dad's hand tightly. "Daddy, please don't leave me." I whispered. I looked at Morgan and saw him staring right back at me. I have a faint smile, then looking back at Daddy. All of the sudden his eyes started to blink. "DADDY!" I scream. "Calm down Sierra." The paramedic gives me another shot. Ow. They have a gauze over my Dads neck. The paramedic starts to count. 5..4..3...

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