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Baileys POV-
     I sat in the chair and watched the TV. Every few minute I'd look to see if the doors opened, but they never did. "Why don't you go get me a drink." My dad said. I stood up and walked over to the vending machine. I pulled a dollar out of my pocket and grabbed a Mountain Dew. I took a sip and gave it to dad. I was getting impatient, and started to wiggle in my seat. "Excited huh?" I looked at the door and saw Penelope. I ran over to her and hugged her. "So we are waiting for the smarties?" I nodded and laughed. We joked on Spencer and Sierra all the time. Penelope showed me a few things on her tablet, nothing much. I heard the door open and looked up. There walked out Sierra with a sling and Spencer with his arm around her. I ran to her and side hugged her. "What color did you pick?" I asked. She pulled her sling down and showed me her purple cast. "I TOLD YOU ORANGE!" I laughed. Sierra pulled me to the side. "Ask your dad if you can spend the night. I already asked my dad and he said yes." I agreed and walked over to my dad. "Dad. Can I spend the night with Sierra? Pleeeaaase?" My dad laughed and agreed. "OOH! Can I come too?" Penelope asked. We all laughed and stood up. I got in the car with Dad and closed the door. We drove home and when we got there I packed my stuff. "Dad, can I ride my bike?" I asked. My dad said sure and hugged me goodbye. I walked out the door and sat down my backpack. I went around back and grabbed my bike and pulled it up. I threw on my bag and hopped on the bike. As I turned the corner, I noticed a man walking. I didn't pay any mind and kept riding. I pulled into Sierra's driveway and saw Garcia's car there too. I dropped the bike and ran inside. The door was wide open and I saw Spencer and Garcia sitting on the couch. "Why is the door open!" I laughed. Spencer turned around and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. Sierra peeked from the top of the stairs. She ran down and hugged me.
*2 hours later*
Sierra's POV-
     I turned on the TV and opened the door. Bailey and I both ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I slowly opened the freezer. I grabbed a popsicle and handed it to Bailey. I heard a door open and saw dad looking out of the door. It was obvious we had woken him up. "Hey! What are you do..." I looked at him as he fast walked to us. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and he grabbed Bailey and I by the arm. Bailey looked at me with a confused look. He walked us into his room and closed the door, making sure to lock it. "You guys should sleep in here tonight." I looked at Bailey. "Why? That's messed up." Bailey said. Dad sat for a while and finally agreed to  let us sleep in my room. We walked out and back up to my room. "What's wrong Bailey?" I asked. "I thought somebody was following me here." I froze. Bailey ran to the window and opens the blinds. She staggered backward and into my arms. I grabbed her and flipped her around. Her eyes were wide and she was white as a sheep. "What? WHAT BAILEY?!" I asked. She stuttered, as her eyes flipped and she fell over. I held her and dropped her on my bed. I looked out the window and saw a man standing at the kitchen window. I looked back at Bailey, still laying on the bed passed out. I opened the door and ran down the stairs. I looked and there was a man. He was staring at me. I looked the other way. There was another man at the living room window. I ran to dads room and pulled on the door. It was locked. I banged on the door continuously. Nothing happened. I turned and the man was now at the door. I started to kick the door. "DAD! HELP!" I heard the sheets on the bed russel. Dad slung the door open and looked at me. He grabbed my face and looked frantically. "Are you ok?" He asked. I stared at him and looked at the door. He grabbed me and pulled me up to my room. When he opened the door he let me go. "She passed out." I said. My dad grabbed and pulled his hair. I started to scream when I heard banging on the front door. Dad covered my mouth and threw me in the closet. He grabbed Bailey and threw her in the closet too. "Take this. If anybody comes up here. You use it." Dad handed me his pocket knife. I nodded as he closed the door and turned off the light. Bailey started to wake up. "What's happening?" I explained to her and handed her a knife. We sat there and heard the door open. I could see the light through the crack of he closet door. I saw somebody walking around. Then the door opened. It was a man. He grabbed my arm and pulled on my cast. I started to scream and kick. Bailey hid and didn't let the man see her. I met eyes with her and nodded. She stood up and ran towards me. I closed my eyes as I was dropped to the floor.


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