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Btw this is after Spencer got rid of his crutches:)
Sierra's POV
     I layed in the closet until I heard it open. I felt somebody rap there arms around me. I started to kick and wiggle until I turned around and saw Hotch dragging me up the stairs. I felt bad because I'm pretty sure I kicked him in the shin. When we got to the top of the stairs Hotch untied me. As he untied me I saw my dad begin running up the stairs. It was all in slow motion drone there.
My dad was running up the stairs and waving his hand and screaming for me to go. I turned and began to run out, pulling Bailey with me. Hotch was running with us until I felt his arm come off of my shoulder. I looked back and all I saw was Hotch and Morgan running into a burst of flame. I stopped and turned around. I saw my dad come falling out of the fire and Hotch and Morgan grabbed him. The explosion was so powerful it knocked us over.
I saw Bailey being dragged away in the corner of my eye. I turned and saw JJ pulling her. I started to feel around for my glasses. All of he sudden I saw Hotch, Morgan and my Dad running by. "SIERRA! THERES ANOTHER BOM COME ON!" I heard my dad say. I got on my hands and knees and crawled around. Between the smoke and my vision I could barely see anything. I felt something and picked it up. It was my glasses. I put them on only to realize that they were broken. I threw them off and stood up. I felt the walls and squinted my eyes. Then I tripped over a foot? I felt somebody grab my legs and begin to pull me. I was relieved at first, until I realized they were pulling me towards the flame. Nothing happened. I just got farther and farther away from the door. I heard a gunshot and was dropped to the floor. I wriggled out from under the body that was on me. I saw Emily coming as she grabbed my and carried my outside.

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