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Morgan's POV-
I stood and stared at the chair. Spencer dropped his gun and sprinted to the chair. When he got in front of it he dropped to his knees and began sobbing. Hotch ran in and grabbed him under the arms. Spencer was kicking and crying like a 4 year old. I walked to the chair and saw Sierra. She had a gun in her hand and a gunshot wound to her neck. I closed my eyes and walked away. Emily and JJ were standing outside. "Morgan?" Emily called. I ignored her and stood behind her. They stood and watched as Hotch came out holding a screaming, crying and kicking Spencer. JJ looked away, and then at Emily. Her eyes started to water. Emily ran inside and JJ followed her. JJ stood in front of Sierra's body as tears ran down her cheek. I went back out and grabbed Garcia. "Is everything ok?!" Garcia asked. I looked her straight in the face. "Oh god!" Garcia said. I grabbed onto her and looked her straight in the face. "I'm afraid there is no more little genius." Garcia grabbed onto me and buried her face into my neck. I grabbed a hold of her and hugged her. Until something made me stop. I heard something. I turned around. In the window of the top floor was somebody, their back against the window. I could see the purple hair. It was Bailey. I ran inside and up the stairs. I opened the door and saw Bailey, chained to the window, a man about to open it. "STOP!" I yelled. "You don't have to do this. Look below you. A 35 year old man, tormented because of what you did to his daughter. The man on the porch. If you kill her, he will be the same way." I stared at the man as Bailey opened her mouth. "YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED SIERRA!" Bailey screamed and kicked and yelled for her dad. I heard the door open downstairs as Rossi came up. "DADDY! DID HE KILL HER?! IS SIERRA DEAD?" Rossi looked at Bailey and nodded. Bailey wailed and kicked. She looked at Rossi. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU DIDN'T WORK HERE NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING!" Rossi looked down and engaged on the predator. The man unscrewed the window as it fell. Bailey started to scream as Rossi ran. He jumped on the man and fell out of the window with him. I ran downstairs and saw Spencer holding Bailey. Bailey jumped out and ran inside. She stood in front of Sierra and fell onto her. She hugged her and cried into her arm. She looked up. Spencer. Bailey stood and ran into Spencer's arms. "She would have grown up to be a great person. She loved you. You were all she ever cared about. She told me to tell you that she was sorry, and to not dwell on this your whole life." Spencer collapsed onto the ground in front of Bailey. As we all walked out, watching one of our family member's daughter being carried out, dead.


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